Generic Block: 3 Columns

Add Three Columns with a Single Component

When you want to show related (or unrelated) topics right next to each other, you can create columns with the Generic Block: 2 Columns or Generic Block: 3 Columns components.

Use all the bells and whistles for a nicely designed way to highlight programs or topics — including using titles, images, or videos — or keep it simple and use just the body fields to create columns.

Generic Block: 3 Column can be added standard or full width on Page and Group Info.


Generic 3-column blocks can be styled a variety of ways based on the fields you use and your selected display mode. The columns are responsive, so they will become narrower in smaller windows. On small screens such as phones, the columns will stack instead of displaying side-by-side.

Above the columns, you can add:

  • a section header that appears centered above the columns
  • a short introduction that appears between the section header and the columns

For each column, you can add, in the order they display:

  • an image that will be cropped and displayed at the top of the column
  • a title, with or without a link to other content
  • a subtitle
  • the body field (the only required field)
  • a call to action link

The display mode you select can affect the border, add dividing lines, and change the font and background colors for certain elements.

In addition, you can make the background for the entire component a light gray.

See the examples at the bottom of the page.

Generic Block: 3 Columns

Display mode drop-down field shows the three options

The display mode defaults to the standard display. Select a different display mode to change the look and feel of the component.

Although you can use all the column fields in any of the displays, the fields in parentheses are the recommended fields to use for the intended effect.

  • Standard (Image, Title, Body):
    • Has no borders around the columns, so mimics a traditional 3-column layout.
    • Good for longer columns of text.
  • Featured CTAs (Image, Title, Body, Link):
    • Includes a border.
    • Visual focus is on the calls to action, which stand out from the rest of the content with a bold background.
  • Related Links (Title, Body, CTA):
    • Designed specifically to highlight links to related content.
    • Best when used with a clear title, a short description of why users should visit the link, and a clear call to action.
    • Warning: description is italicized, so keep very short to avoid accessibility issues.

There is a border around each column for the featured CTAs and related link displays, making them ideal for short blocks of information.

Background color field dropdown list

Background Color defaults to “Light (white).”

Select “Dark (gray)” to add a slight gray tint behind the entire component.

Header style defaults to visually normal with drop-down option to select visually small

The header style defaults to visually normal, but you can also choose to have it display much smaller.

Section header field which is not required

Enter an optional section header. It will be a heading 2 and display above the columns.

plain text box labeled Intro

Provide more context by entering it in Intro. It will appear below any section header but above the image blocks.

Title text field

Enter a title. It will appear under the eyebrow and above the body of the image block as a heading 3. Use Title URL if you want to link the title to another page.

title link url look up field

If you want the title to be an active link, enter a URL. This is a look-up field.

  • To link to a node on our site, begin typing its title and select it from the drop-down list that appears.
  • To link to anything else, add the full URL, including https://.

Note: Titles that are linked are styled differently from those that aren't. If you are using the title field in multiple columns, we recommend being consistent in their use — make all titles links or none — so it doesn't look like an error.

You can also add links in the Body, or as a call-to-action (CTA) link at the bottom of the column.

a text field labeled Subtitle

The subtitle appears under the title as smaller text, and looks different from the body text.

Body field showing WYSIWYG without media options

The body field is a limited WYSIWYG editor.

You can style text with:

  • headings (start with a “Heading 4” if you used Title, and a ”Heading 3” if you didn't.)
  • bolding and italics
  • lists

You can also add links and special characters, as well as mark up text in non-English languages..

Add Image button and text that says you can add one media item

When you add an image, it will appear at the top of the column, spanning the width of the content area.

Enter an image that is at least 572 pixels wide by 320 pixels tall.

Click Image to open an Add Media dialog box. See Images for detailed instructions.

video text field

Enter a YouTube or Vimeo URL. You must also add a fallback image to Image.

The video entry will display at the top of a column. Users will see your fallback image with a play button superimposed. When they click the button, the video will open in an overlay.

See Videos for more information and video standards.

Enter a call to action.

CTA field set with URL and Link text fields
  • URL: Enter a URL.
    • If the page is on our site, begin typing the title and select the correct page from the drop-down list.
    • If the page is not on our site, enter the full URL
  • Link Text: Enter a short call to action.
    • Keep it short – just a few words.
    • Include a verb.

See Links for more information about calls to action.

Standard Display, Visually Normal Header, and Gray Background

This example has all fields completed, including calls to actions and linked titles, to show you how the standard display works.

students building snowman
Dolor sit amet

Suspendisse mattis leo et metus accumsan posuere. Aliquam tristique sit amet ipsum eu iaculis:

  • duis sapien orci
  • eleifend vel lacus
  • nec dignissim
  • vulputate enim

Integer lobortis, urna ac faucibus euismod, enim nulla venenatis tellus, non porta justo ex ut tellus.

Mervat Youssef, Michele Regenold ’89,  Sarah Cannon ’19, and Ankit Pandey ’20 discuss the class assignment
Sed quis vulputate dui, at sagittis eros.

Phasellus venenatis nibh nibh, ac vulputate tellus aliquet in. Aliquam fringilla lectus non sapien porttitor semper.

Curabitur et bibendum erat. Pellentesque ornare arcu odio, in commodo leo dictum eleifend. Quisque a est erat. Nunc mauris orci, maximus in ante et, bibendum cursus neque. Donec tincidunt elementum felis at consequat.

Vivamus interdum neque dolor, ut vestibulum mi volutpat id. Vivamus ornare, nulla sit amet feugiat vehicula, elit lorem hendrerit leo, interdum semper augue libero ac odio.

Dancers during Cultural Evening 2021
Ex in eros semper semper.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent facilisis placerat nisl vitae consequat. Sed volutpat tristique volutpat. Pellentesque non dui nunc. Cras a pharetra turpis.

Phasellus id eros interdum, condimentum quam et, ultrices nisl. Vestibulum scelerisque odio ante, non mollis dui efficitur fringilla. Sed consequat sem quam, ut pharetra felis euismod ac.

Featured CTAs, Visually Small Header, and Unlinked Titles

This example is the same as above, but shows the Featured CTA display mode and visually small header, and the titles are not linked.

Related Links Version (this is the Section Header set to visually small)

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