Spanish majors will develop skills in the following areas
Critical Thinking
- Synthesize ideas from primary and secondary (critical and theoretical) texts.
- Assume full responsibility for following and contributing to the exchange of ideas in discussions spanning multiple class meetings.
- Master discipline-specific norms of argumentation and evaluate one’s own and others’ ideas with respect to them.
- Relate course content to issues of concern across linguistic, cultural & disciplinary boundaries.
Cultural Competence
- Develop a working knowledge of the historical, social, political, cultural, and intellectual contexts that give rise to varied forms of cultural expression.
- Make informed connections between these contexts and those informing one’s own work as a scholar and citizen.
Information Literacy
- Learn where and how to locate contextual knowledge needed to achieve an informed reading of discipline-specific primary texts.
- Locate, evaluate & incorporate multiple secondary texts in at least one piece of researched writing using discipline-specific databases, research methods, and standards of citation.