Did you know that the current value of one volunteer hour is $33.49¹? Grinnell College recognizes that many local nonprofits operate entirely with volunteer boards and depend on volunteers to keep their programs active.
The Volunteer Initiative Program has existed since 1999 because Grinnell College understands that students, faculty, and staff have a tremendous impact on the quality of life in our area through the time and energy that they invest in community activities. To acknowledge that contribution, for every employee who contributes 20 hours of volunteer time to a community organization, Grinnell College will grant $100 to that organization of choice. Encouraging employee volunteerism is consistent with the College's mission, values, and commitment to the community. This program encourages employees to volunteer in those projects that they feel most passionate about while allowing them to direct some of the College's contributions at the same time.
Guidelines for $100 Recognition
Qualified Employees: Employees must be appointed to a regular or term (e.g., non-student) position at the College to be eligible to participate.
Qualified Activity: Program participants must contribute 20 hours of volunteer time to their organization of choice to receive financial support. Sponsored organizations are required to verify employee participation. Recognized service is not limited to Grinnell but includes any service area within Iowa.
Exclusions: Generally, the program does not support: Individuals, business ventures, organizations without IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status that are not governments, organizations that limit membership and services based on race, religion, color, creed, sex, sexual orientation, age, or national origin, requests for loans or debt retirements, civic/labor/sorority/fraternal groups, political organizations and projects, or organizations that might in any way pose a conflict with the mission, goals, or programs of Grinnell College.
Funding Limits: No organization may receive more than $1,000 in total contributions through this program in a given fiscal year. Each employee may designate $100 in donations once per fiscal year. The College’s fiscal year is July 1–June 30. Funds are limited and will be released in the order in which qualified applications are received.
Volunteer Examples
There are many nonprofit organizations that rely 100% on volunteers for their groups to be successful, carry out their missions, and make change happen.
Learn more about the different ways employees invest in our community as volunteers. Contact our office at 641-269-3900 or via email.
Volunteer Resources
To explore volunteer opportunities in Grinnell, visit:
To explore volunteer opportunities across the state, visit:
Submitting a Request
VIP Request Forms are also available by contacting the Office of Community Partnerships, Planning, and Research 641-269-3900. The completed form can be submitted via email or to our office at 1127 Park St., Grinnell, IA 50112. The College reserves the right to deny funding to any and/or all requests.
¹Value of Volunteer Time report, Independent Sector, with the Do Good Institute, 4/23/24