Kailee, a young woman with curly brown hair, smiles while working at her laptop computer.

Pictionary for Robots

Oct 19, 2023
In the first in a series of stories about Mentored Advanced Projects from summer 2023, follow Katie Shermak ’25 as she models human visual imagination in order to build better artificial intelligence.
A student with black hair and pink shirt gestures with her hands as a student in the foreground looks intently in her direction.

Global Envoys: Peer Mentoring and Inclusive Excellence

Oct 19, 2023
Global envoys are poised to help fellow students connect to educational global opportunities, no matter their interests and backgrounds.
John Rommereim leads the Grinnell Singers at a concert in Sebring-Lewis Hall

The Magic of Making Music

Oct 18, 2023
Students who love music can make new friends and form community with the Grinnell Singers, while also taking on an exciting musical challenge.
Scott gesticulates while speaking to a seminar class.

Grinnell To Host Civic Action Academy Nov. 10–11

Oct 16, 2023
Students, faculty, and staff passionate about civic action and community engagement are invited to discuss and learn during Iowa and Minnesota Campus Compact’s annual Civic Action Academy.
A saturated image of an outdoors scene. There isa bridge and a staircase. You can see transparent images on people throughout the image.

Hybrid Film Photography: Grinnellians Experiment with How to Capture the World

Oct 12, 2023
Students Kelly Banfield ’24, Philomena Frasca ‘25, Celia Meagher ‘24, and Stella Lowery ‘24 spent their summer vacation experimenting with the coolest camera brands and films alongside Professor and artist Andrew Kaufman.

In Honor of Indigenous People's Day

Oct 09, 2023
I write to invite you all to an Intertribal Powwow on Grinnell’s campus to celebrate Indigenous Peoples’ Day today, Monday, October 9, 2023.

Trick or Treat; OER is Sweet!

Oct 23, 2023
Need some candy for Halloween? Learn about Open Educational Resources (OER) and add your name in a drawing to win a bucket of candy!
First place team with a big check and big smiles

Pioneer Weekend 2023

Oct 05, 2023

The Wilson Center’s annual Pioneer Weekend pitch competition took place from Friday, Sept. 22, to Sunday Sept. 24, and resulted in near record numbers for attendance and participation, surpassed…

Adey Almohsen

Faculty & Staff Research Series Presents a Research in Progress Talk with Adey Almohsen

Nov 16, 2023
Please join the Grinnell College Libraries at 4:15 p.m., Nov. 28, as we present our final fall semester Faculty and Staff Research Series talk with Adey Almohsen, 2023–24 Center for Contemporary Arab Studies (CCAS) postdoctoral fellow at Georgetown University, for his Research in Progress talk, “Minds in Exile: An Intellectual History of Palestinians 1945–70.”
Math equations are written on a window, behind which are sillhouetes of people.

3-2 Engineering Programs Give Grinnellians the Best of Both Worlds

Oct 04, 2023
Grinnell’s 3-2 partnerships grant students their B.A., B.S., and an engineering education unlike any other.

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