Burling Lounge and fire

Dec. 11 Finals Productivity Café

Nov 29, 2023
Get some advice, set goals, and be productive at the Productivity Café, Mon., Dec. 11, from 1–5 p.m. in Burling First Floor Lounge.
Crys kneels on the beach next to a large turtle.

Watson Fellow Crys Moosman ’21 Shares Lessons in Conservation

Nov 02, 2023
After a year of travel through six countries, Crys Moosman ’21 returned to Grinnell to share what they learned during their Watson Fellowship journey.

Living in Community in Very Difficult Times

Nov 01, 2023
I write to you within the context of these very challenging times to provide recourse and resources for your well-being and to recall our stewardship of our community and of each other. I write especially to Grinnell students, wanting you to know how very much your faculty and staff care about you, as they live in these times with you.
Interim Vice President of Student Affairs JC Lopez

5 Questions with JC Lopez

Nov 01, 2023
JC Lopez answers a few questions about his life, work, and his Grinnell experience so far.
Image with Something Wicked This Way Comes

Witching Hour Pop-up Exhibit

Oct 25, 2023
Drop by Burling Lounge, Tuesday, Oct. 31, from Noon–1 p.m. and meet bewitching materials from Special Collections!
Adriane pipettes a solution into a small plastic test tube.

The Unlikelihood of an “Eureka Moment”

Oct 23, 2023
"You just can’t have results be the daily thing that’s keeping you going," Adriane Thompson ’24 learned during summer MAP research with Ben DeRidder, professor of biology.
Nicole Eikmeier and Leo Rodriguez

Harris Faculty Fellows Research Presentations

Oct 23, 2023
Please join us at 4:15 pm, Oct. 31 in Burling Lounge as we welcome our returning 2022-23 Harris Faculty Fellows, Nicole Eikmeier and Leo Rodriguez, who will present about the research they conducted during their yearlong research leave!
Idelle Cooper and her students walk through a stream with nets to catch insects

Evolution, Art, and the Jewelwing Damselfly

Oct 23, 2023
Associate Professor of Biology Idelle Cooper ’01 found herself back at Grinnell this fall — this time as a faculty member in the Department of Biology.
Gloved hands place samples of brain tissue in a petri dish filled with yellow solution.

The Trials and Tribulations of a Teenage Rat

Oct 19, 2023
A summer MAP brought Ioanna Giannakou ’24 into close contact with rats, studying the effects of early-life stress on their anxiety and depression levels.
Gracie, wearing lab goggles and gloves, sets up a metal column for her experiment.

Taking ‘Learning By Doing’ to a New Level

Oct 19, 2023
Another story in the Summer MAP Series. Gracie Song ’25 jumped headfirst into laboratory research, using a tricky technique to study the structure of a mutated protein.

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