students in central campus


  1. tent at farmers market

    Market Science Program: Engaging the Community Through Research

    Jun 18, 2024
    This program, spearheaded by Grinnell summer-research students and their faculty mentors within the Science Division, brings scientific research directly to the Grinnell Farmer’s Market.
  2. A black man with glasses resting atop his head peers through a microscope in a dark room.

    Lafontant Wins Fulbright Scholar Grant to Sri Lanka

    Jun 13, 2024
    Pascal Lafontant, professor of biology, has been awarded a Fulbright Scholar Grant to conduct developmental biology research in Sri Lanka during the 2024-25 academic year.
  3. Looking out the front window of a jeep on a game drive, with a young woman sitting in the front seat.

    From Savanna to Permafrost: GLP Students Track the Origins of Disease

    May 31, 2024
    Students in the Spring 2024 Global Learning Program Course Emerging Infectious Diseases traveled to South Africa and Alaska to conduct fieldwork at the forefront of disease ecology.
  4. A professor and a male student discuss fluorescent microscopy images pulled up on a laboratory computer.

    Team Effort: Five Grinnellians Co-Author Paper on the Zebrafish Liver

    May 28, 2024
    What began as a summer side project in 2020 grew into a yearslong collaborative study in the Lafontant laboratory. Now, Lafontant, professor of biology, is proud to have his name listed after not one, but four, Grinnell alums on a paper published in Zebrafish.
  5. A green and black damselfly is held carefully by its wing.

    New Science Division Members Enthrall During “Lightning Talks”

    Feb 01, 2024
    Grinnellians got a taste of their colleagues’ research during the first in a series of New Faculty/Staff Lightning Talks on Tuesday.
  6. A woman with blond hair and in a black shirt stands in front of a large window and smiles.

    From French Table to the Lab

    Nov 09, 2023
    Emma Luhmann ’18 and the unique alumni connection that kickstarted her research career
  7. Crys kneels on the beach next to a large turtle.

    Watson Fellow Crys Moosman ’21 Shares Lessons in Conservation

    Nov 02, 2023
    After a year of travel through six countries, Crys Moosman ’21 returned to Grinnell to share what they learned during their Watson Fellowship journey.
  8. Idelle Cooper and her students walk through a stream with nets to catch insects

    Evolution, Art, and the Jewelwing Damselfly

    Oct 23, 2023
    Associate Professor of Biology Idelle Cooper ’01 found herself back at Grinnell this fall — this time as a faculty member in the Department of Biology.
  9. Adriane pipettes a solution into a small plastic test tube.

    The Unlikelihood of an “Eureka Moment”

    Oct 23, 2023
    "You just can’t have results be the daily thing that’s keeping you going," Adriane Thompson ’24 learned during summer MAP research with Ben DeRidder, professor of biology.
  10. Two students in a biology lab, one of who is wearing a Grinnell College t-shirt

    We’re Hiring!

    Aug 11, 2023
    The Grinnell College Department of Biology is seeking to hire a colleague with research and teaching expertise in bioinformatics or computational biology.

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