students in central campus


  1. Harry Hopkins 1912

    Web Audit

    While we were spending a lot of time on the back-end of our web management, our site grew, organically, freely, and not necessarily coherently. So we decided to take the next, long overdue step:…

  2. Moving to Drupal

    Jul 23, 2012

    We assembled a big representative committee with representatives of students, faculty and staff, looked at several systems, from proprietary to open-source, from commercial to free, and discussed…

  3. One big (happy?) family

    Jul 18, 2012


    There are some peculiar challenges in building a college website. One of the biggest is the fact that colleges—and thus college sites—have to serve multiple constituencies.

  4. Barons of Beefe and Billy the Kid

    Jul 13, 2012

    On my second day at the archives, I pulled open a drawer that was literally overflowing with event posters from the last 50 years of Grinnell's Art and Music departments. Many of these were…

  5. CBS Benefit Basketball Game

    Jul 06, 2012


    I discovered this photo in the Concerned Black Students archives, and wanted to post it for a couple of reasons. This was taken during a CBS versus faculty basketball game, held as a…

  6. The Caffe Del Foro

    Jun 27, 2012

    by Sam Dunnington '14

    Anywhere I can eat mozzarella sticks until my head starts to hurt is a place I'm happy to be, but sometimes the Spencer Grille leaves me wanting for finer cuisine. I…

  7. Solar Flares

    Jun 13, 2012

    With recent coverage by MSNBC and the Huffington Post, sun storms…

  8. The Accidental Poet

    Jun 13, 2012


  9. A Woman Worth Knowing

    Jun 13, 2012
    A Picture of Edith Renfrow Smith
  10. Gilbert DeBartolo Award 2012 Recipient

    Jun 12, 2012

    Gilbert DeBartolo worked with Professor Robert Haveman to write a paper that subsequently was published in the American Economic Review. Gilbert viewed that experience of doing mentored original…

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