The Writers@Grinnell series continues with award winning authors, Saskya Jain and Christopher Kloeble.
Public talk by Professor Shanna Benjamin at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 19, and inscription unveiling at 4:15 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 20, 2020.
Berlin-based artist Jean-Ulrick Désert will discuss his multi-media and multi-dimensional artistic practice of the past 20 years at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2020.
Grinnell College will stream Handel’s “Agrippina,” a black comedy about the abuse of power in ancient Rome, on Feb. 29 as part of the Met’s 2019-20 Live in HD season.
Physics major Courtney Carter ’21 has been having a very good year, delving deeply into research and pursuing her own ideas with confidence.
Whether you’re presenting your own research or just immersing yourself in the experience, a conference can be an exciting opportunity for young scholars.
BRASA Summit is a conference that gathers Brazilian college students studying outside their country and influential leaders to discuss some of the country’s main issues and to debate solutions.
Planning for a health professions career takes effort and preparedness. This meeting is mandatory for students intending to apply to medical and other health professional schools in 2020.
Grinnell College will host a symposium entitled “2020: A Space Odyssey” Feb. 20-26 sponsored by the Rosenfield Program in Public Affairs, International Relations and Human Rights.
Feb. 10, 2020 - While there are no reports or indications of any suspected coronavirus cases on our campus, we are still in the midst of flu season.
4:15-5:15 pm, Feb. 18, 2020, in Burling Library First Floor Lounge
The Center for the Humanities hosts Ruben Espinosa for a public talk at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 11, 2020.
Center for Prairie Studies is commissioning student artistic projects inspired by and created in conversation with the prairie region and our locality. Proposals are due by Feb. 14, 2020.
1-5 p.m., Friday, Feb. 14, in the Burling Computing Lab, Lower Level