Rey Chow will deliver the Connelly Lecture.
Dr. Ranjitha Puskur will present the annual World Food Prize Lecture on Oct. 13, 2016.
20 Grinnell students invited to visit Berkshire Hathaway in Omaha, Nebraska, where they will meet legendary investor and financier Mr. Warren Buffett.
Hensli Rahn Solórzano, a musician and fiction writer from Venezuela and guest from the International Writing Program, will present in Spanish.
Carol Myers-Scotton ’55, an expert in bilingualism and language contact, to discuss codeswitching, using 2 languages in the same conversation.
Burling and Kistle Libraries have many study spaces available
Grinnell College plans installation ceremony for endowed chairs, professorships, staff on Oct. 6, 2016.
New trustees and an ex-officio trustee have been named to the College's governing board.
The Pioneer Bookshop's mission is to provide Grinnell College students with the materials professors require for them to succeed.
The Center for Careers, Life, and Service is excited for 42 members of the Class of 2017 who applied for prestigious fellowships and awards.
Joshua Tepfer ’97 examines false confessions and police tactics.