Grinnellians attend the largest academic meeting of minority physicists in the United States.
Ric Tennenbaum ’18, coordinator of the Stonewall Resource Center attenedd the Minnesota OUT! Campus Conference (MOOC) at the LGBT Center at Minnesota State University.
The College has been a top producer every year since the rankings began in 2004.
On Feb. 25 a panel will cover facts about water quality in Poweshiek County, including drinking water and waste water.
Scholars' Convocation speaker Kathleen Fitzpatrick will give the convocation lecture at Grinnell College on March 1, 2018.
Jasmeen Patheja is an artist, activist, social entrepreneur based in Bangalore, India.
Grinnell College conference, March 9-10, 2018, includes keynote speech, faculty-led discussions, presentations of student papers
The Grinnell Singer will collaborate with the ensemble, which includes of musicians and scholars of European and Arab musical traditions.
Artist/theorist who works at the intersections of gender, race, and technology, will offer examples of algorithms as analytic and practical tools for art and activism.
A video snippets speech performance by Jürgen Kuttner.