Admission ,

My Computer Outweighs Me

Jan 04, 2013


Two years ago when I was getting ready to head off to college, my parents told me I could have a laptop. Stoked beyond all reckoning, I surfed Dell’s website to decide what model I wanted …

Rollicking Roomies

Jan 04, 2013

Author:  Mona Ghadiri '11

Like every other eager Grinnellian, I had a countdown to the day I would get the chance to find out who my roommate would be…

Self-Defining Self-Governance

Jan 04, 2013

Author:  Caitlin Carmody '08

Two years ago I led a small group discussion about self-governance during New Student Orientation. I tried my best to explain the fairly nebulous…

Today’s the Day the College Kids Have their Picnic!

Jan 04, 2013
Author:  Erin Sindewald ’08

It is a clear blue day, the flowers are in bloom, and the birds are chirping songs of…

That Swing Thing

Jan 04, 2013


A tall, smartly dressed man with slicked-back hair and gray suspenders slides up to me, hand outstretched. I smile and place my hand in his, accepting his silent offer. He walks me out to…

HIV Testing and Drag Shows

Jan 04, 2013

Author:  Lindsay Robinson ’09

As a first-year student, I dabbled in a little bit of everything. I went to half a dozen meetings every week and signed…

Religion in the Cornfields

Jan 04, 2013


I’ve been a Unitarian Universalist all my life. I’m used to people asking me “What’s UU?” all the time, so by now, I’ve got the speech down. But what I didn’t know was that by coming to…

A Place of My Own

Jan 04, 2013

Being from a foreign country and knowing little about Iowa or the Midwest, I thought of Grinnell as a little campus in the middle of the tall prairie grass. Indeed, I chose to come here not only…

Coming Out as a Republican

Jan 04, 2013


Prior to my arrival at Grinnell, I was brought up on the basic principles of conservatism — I’m from a “Republican” family. For those of you who can (secretly) relate, Grinnell College can…

Editor’s View: Finding Diversity in Surprising Places

Jan 04, 2013


When I applied to Grinnell, my admission essay opened with the line, “I am a 17-year-old, Caucasian, upper-middle-class suburbanite from a public school.” I knew that colleges were looking…

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