Admission ,

Once Upon a Time

Jan 04, 2013


As soon as I learned to read, I was never without a book. Often the characters were just as real to me as my siblings. When my father took me and my cousins out on forced-march hikes to…

Love in the Time of Dengue

Jan 04, 2013


Before going abroad, Grinnell students must attend an informational session about all the terrible things that can happen to you (but probably won’t) in order to prepare you to deal with…

Having Due Fun with Fondue

Jan 04, 2013

Author:  Elizabeth Bologna ’08

“There’s nothing to do!” It’s the mantra of young adults everywhere, the perennial complaint of high schoolers and college…

The Joys of Jane Austen and 16th-Century Midwifery Manuals

Jan 04, 2013


Basically, I knew from the time I learned to read I needed to be an English major in college. I love to read and I love to talk about books — what major could suit me better? Unfortunately…

One Enchanted Evening

Jan 04, 2013


I spent spring break of my third year in a car, driving across the country. Dan, a student at Williams College, and Sara, a theatre major at the University of Washington, met me in…

Tales of a Transfer

Jan 04, 2013

As my parents helped me unload the station wagon and carry my belongings up four flights of stairs on that hot afternoon in late August, the realization that this was the place where I would spend…

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Being a Student Adviser

Jan 04, 2013


Twelve first-years. Twelve! While staff training week taught me how to handle pretty much every conceivable conflict I might encounter as a student adviser, or S.A., it left out that…

A Pants-Optional Affair

Jan 04, 2013

I consider myself a pretty conservative dresser. My shorts are always mid-thigh or longer, my T-shirts cover my naughty parts in their entirety, and my swimsuit comes in only one piece. All in all…

People Watching and Study Buddies

Jan 04, 2013


I’m a person who is very set in my habits. I get out of bed at the same time every single morning and try to go to bed at the same time every night. I go to the library pretty much every…

Studio Rats

Jan 04, 2013

When I was a little boy, I used to love to play and imagine what I was going to be when I grew up. I would take my plastic dinosaurs outside, bury them in my backyard, and then dig them up,…

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