Extraordinary journeys begin in unexpected places.
Read more about the extraordinary places these students experienced through their Grinnell College journeys.
Alex wanted to challenge himself in a welcoming environment. With advisers, teammates, funding, and clubs, he was able to do just that!
Harvey crafted an experience that put his interests first: what he enjoyed studying, service, swimming, and multiple off-campus study experiences.
Vanessa was excited to be a part of a community where she could make impact, and that's exactly what she did at Grinnell.
Although she intended to pursue a pre-med path, Mia stayed open-minded and found something even more interesting to her.
Brian always knew he wanted to go to a smaller school. After visiting lots of campuses, he came to Grinnell, and it just clicked.
Caleb discovered his professional goals after multiple internships, clubs, and four years as a varsity soccer player.
Jane was looking for a small liberal arts college where she could explore her interest in STEM, excel at soccer, and make long-lasting connections. She found it all at Grinnell.
Matas engaged in rigorous self-examination and self-discovery at Grinnell. From his philosophy classes and research to his Wells Fargo internship in North Carolina, he found himself in multiple angles!
Antonella came to Grinnell wanting a diverse, tight-knit community that welcomed international students, and a discussion-based, open curriculum that allowed her to explore topics that she hadn't studied before.
David is from a small, public urban high school in Brooklyn, New York. He knew instantly that Grinnell was his dream school when he visited as a middle schooler!
Ben always wanted to conduct scientific research in a welcoming community, but he never expected he would do it three times in his 4 years: with his professor, in Denmark and Portugal, and in Farmington, Connecticut!
Elisabeth crafted global educational experiences to work in, learn from, and explore different cultures using her Grinnell experiences. She worked an internship for Chile, went abroad to Greece, and made amazing Grinnellian friends along the way!
Maya always wanted to engage in cutting-edge scientific research at Grinnell. But she never expected that she would also do it in South Africa and do remote research!