Contact Information:
The Biology SEPC is a student-faculty liaison which provides the faculty with student input on professors, candidates, curriculum, and other department issues. As our primary duty, we survey students and summarize their opinions regarding current professors and professorial candidates. We then submit these summaries to the department faculty and/or other appropriate committees on campus.
In addition, we send one representative to the bi-weekly department faculty meetings and another representative to the biweekly Student Curriculum Committee meeting chaired by the SGA vice president/president of academic affairs. For fun, we organize the department study breaks and picnics, and send out a monthly newsletter to majors. Historically, we also have had input into the types of speakers that the department brings to campus for the weekly seminars. We hold weekly meetings to delegate duties and to discuss pertinent issues.
The Biology SEPC generally consists of seven members. We are a fun-loving group of students with a common interest of biology. Join us, won't you?