Our Guiding Principles for Free Speech, Inclusion, and Community
Grinnell College's mission is to provide "an education in the liberal arts through free inquiry and the open exchange of ideas." Free inquiry and open exchange require exposure to a diversity of perspectives and respectful engagement with those perspectives across our differences. Indeed, such engagement is vital for an intellectual community committed to the production and sharing of knowledge. This requires providing a learning environment that is both tolerant of disagreement and committed to civil dialogue that respectfully embraces our shared humanity. Grinnell must support and encourage free speech and expression, while creating an environment free from harassment and discrimination. As we endeavor to balance these multiple responsibilities, several principles guide us:
Freedom of Speech and Dialogue Across Difference
Because we value a diversity of peoples and perspectives, our campus environment must be an inclusive space that cultivates both critical thinking and dialogue across difference. Since education and learning are our focus, we must be willing to tolerate the discomfort of having our views respectfully challenged. We must also be willing to confidently share our own perspectives without stifling the rights of others to do so. Inclusive teaching practices and effective communication skills are essential to creating a positive learning environment for our students.
Freedom of Speech and Expression as a Civil Right
Freedom of speech and freedom of expression are rights protected by the U.S. Constitution, and these rights belong to all domestic and international Grinnellians. The College has a responsibility to respect these rights but may establish rules governing the time, place, and manner of speech, expression, and protest. The College is also responsible for dealing with those who engage in behaviors that infringe upon the rights of others. Behaviors designed to intimidate or hinder others from accessing the benefits provided by the College are strictly prohibited. Harassment and discrimination will not be tolerated and may result in disciplinary outcomes and/or legal consequences.
Freedom of Speech and Academic Freedom
Academic freedom supports freedom of inquiry and exchange, a fundamental value of the educational enterprise and our institutional mission. In addition to constitutional free-speech protections, Grinnell College faculty members are entitled to academic freedom in their teaching, research, and publishing, as defined in the Faculty Handbook. This entitlement comes with the duty to maintain professional ethics and uphold College policies against discrimination and harassment.