Justin Vaverka '15
Justin Vaverka earned his bachelor’s degree in biology from Grinnell College in May 2015 and just completed his first year of medical school at the University of Iowa's Carver College of Medicine in Iowa City, Iowa.
While a student at Grinnell, Vaverka completed a Mentored Advanced Project (MAP) with biology professor Shannon Hinsa-Leasure, titled CuAlloy Microbe Research, which looked at antimicrobial copper alloys installed at Grinnell Regional Medical Center. Since 2014, Vaverka has also been working on a study at University of Iowa Children’s Hospital that evaluates the longevity of pacemakers in patients with congenital heart diseases, as well as long-term outcomes. He has presented this research at the Medical Student Research Day in Iowa City, Iowa, and at the Midwest Pediatric Cardiology Society in Peoria, Illinois.
After completing medical school, Vaverka is considering pursuing a sub-specialization within pediatrics.