Urban Education Symposium Provides New Perspectives on Educational Inequality

Feb 08, 2018
The themes of poverty, school choice, and social justice at the heart of the speakers' messages affect educators, students, and families across the country.
Closeup of a baseball

The Linguistic Structure of Japanese Baseball Chants

Jan 31, 2018

World-renowned phonologist Armin Mester will present work he has been developing with collaborators that seeks to explain the complex sound patterns in adapting a batter’s name for use in…

Alum Returns to Discuss Kant, Dog-Whistle Politics & the History of Concepts

Jan 31, 2018
Prof. Michael Olson ’03, Macquarie University, Sydney, returns to campus on Feb. 8, 2018.
older man talks to younger people, three laptops on a table between them

Making Math Videos Rock

Jan 05, 2018
Four students and a prof geek out over math and how to communicate it via short, YouTube videos.

Grinnell College Libraries Offer Adaptive Technology and Services

Nov 01, 2018
Helping all "Grinnellians" be successful academic researchers

Grinnell Performs First Amateur Production of Nice Fish

Nov 09, 2017
The play, described as “Waiting for Godot on ice,” featured Grinnell College students as the cast and crew.

Four Grinnell College Professors to Discuss Catalonia’s Bid for Independence

Nov 07, 2017
Panel to shed light on the causes that precipitated Catalonia’s bid for independence and the shared and opposed mentalities driving this conflict.

Grinnell College Plans Installation Ceremony for Endowed Chairs, Professorships

Nov 07, 2017
Honorees at Nov. 14 event will be Shuchi Kapila, Elaine Marzluff, Daniel Reynolds, and Erik Simpson.

Anthropology Students Present Results of Mentored Advanced Projects

Nov 01, 2017
Nate Crail ’19 and Emily Ricker ’18 present the results of their research at 4:15 p.m. Nov. 14.

Scholar to Discuss Japanese Religion and Anime on Nov. 9

Nov 01, 2017
Jolyon Thomas ’01 will explore Japanese spirituality and its relation to animism.

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