Pioneer Weekend 2.0: A Three Day Innovation Competition

Mar 22, 2016
Pioneer Weekend encourages hands-on experiences, innovation and leadership skills, and aspiring student entrepreneurs can find out if their startup ideas might be viable.
Students who attended the Project PengYou summit

Grinnell College Students Take on the Project Pengyou Leadership Summit

Mar 14, 2016
The nationally known leadership summit creates spaces and promotes movements to help end and fight the institutional xenophobia that has plagued our nation throughout history. It promotes collaboration, inclusion, and mutual understanding between Americans and Chinese citizens.

Driven by DATA, Connected by Grinnell

Jan 13, 2016
Alumni in tech careers share insights during fall break.

Startup (in)Sanity: 7 Tips from a Serial Entrepreneur

Nov 02, 2015
Eric Groves '85 presents Startup (in)Sanity: 7 Tips from a Serial Entrepreneur, a Wilson Program public lecture.

Bruce Weindruch '78 Comes to Campus to Teach a Short Course on Leadership

Oct 15, 2015

Bruce Weindruch ’78, CEO and founder of The History Factory, returns to campus to teach the short course Learning from…

An Evening with Myron Rolle

Sep 30, 2015

Myron Rolle will present a free, public talk at 7 p.m. Saturday, October 3, in the Alumni Recitation Hall Auditorium (Room 302).

Rolle is a neurosurgeon, football all-American, Rhodes…

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