Intercultural Affairs (ICA)

College is a moment of self-discovery, and as you make sense of who you are becoming through this new experience, our team works to co-create opportunities for you to reflect, connect, explore, engage, and strategize.
Hi there,
On behalf of Intercultural Affairs, greetings from Grinnell!
Intercultural Affairs (ICA) at Grinnell centers student identity development and exploration. College is a moment of self-discovery, and as you make sense of who you are becoming through this new experience, our team works to co-create opportunities for you to reflect, connect, explore, engage, and strategize.
There are several ways you might get to know us:
- Stopping in at one of our cultural centers
- Attending the Peer Connections Pre-Orientation Program (PCPOP)
- Joining a multicultural student organization
- Just coming by our offices
We hope that you’ll take the time to share your stories with us. The heart of our work lives in learning about each other from each other, and who you are — fully and authentically — matters to us.
Feel free to send any questions or introductions to us at We look forward to getting to know you.
In community,
Vrinda Varia (she/her)
Associate Chief Diversity Officer for Intercultural Student Life
Micho Adler (xe/they/he)
Assistant Director of Intercultural Affairs, LGBTQIA+ Student Specialist
Jenée Spencer (she/her)
Director of Intercultural Affairs, Black Student Specialist
Adriana Torres (she/ella)
Assistant Director of Intercultural Affairs, Latinx/e Student Specialist