Smith Hall


Smith is a substance free residence hall on North Campus, between Younker Hall and Langan Hall. Smith Hall is one of the five substance free residence halls on campus.

Floors Singles Doubles Triples
Pit 3 2 0
First and Annex 1 6 0
Second 7 1 3
Third 3 4 1

Smith Hall has 14 singles, 13 doubles, and 4 triples and houses 52 students.

Standard Double

Smith Double 01
Smith Double 02


Three Room Triple

Main Room

The door to the triple opens into this room.

Triple Main

Adjoined Rooms

Smith Triple 01
Smith Triple 03



Smith Hall has three lounges on the first, second and third floors. The main lounge is located on the first floor and has a television. The second floor lounge also has a TV.

Smith Lounge 01
Smith Lounge 02
Smith Lounge 03



Smith has one kitchen located on the first floor. It has a microwave, stove, oven and fridge.

Smith Kitchen


Smith Hall uses the trunk room facilities located at Langan Hall.


Residents of Smith use the laundry facilities located in the adjacent residence hall, Younker.

Computer Lab

Residents of Smith can use the computer lab and printing facilities located in Younker Hall.


A recycling facility is located in Smith Pit.

Air Conditioning

Smith offers heating and air conditioning.


Smith does not have elevators.


Smith Hall is named after James A. Smith of Osage, Iowa – a trustee of the College and a State Representative.

Formerly a bastion of men’s intramural prowess, Smith Hall is the southernmost of the original chain of the North Campus men’s residence halls.

Before Cowles Hall opened at the end of World War II, the kitchens for the North Campus dining hall, located adjoining in the basement of Langan, were in the basement of Smith. 

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