students in central campus


  1. Antonella Diaz sticks her tongue out in front of the cold waters of Alaska

    Antonella’s Journey

    Jun 24, 2024
    Antonella Diaz ’23 came to Grinnell wanting a diverse, tight-knit community that welcomed international students, and a discussion-based, open curriculum that allowed her to explore topics that she hadn't studied before.
  2. Andrew running in a cross country meet

    Andrew’s Journey

    Jun 17, 2024
    Cross country athlete and computer science major Andrew Nickeson ’23 discovered a passion for nature and hiking in small-town Iowa. Together with his teammates and coworkers, he explored beautiful sights!
  3. Mia Kauffman '24

    Mia’s Journey

    Jun 10, 2024
    Although she intended to pursue a pre-med path, Mia Kauffman ’24 stayed open-minded and found something even more interesting to her.
  4. Nora Leahy ’24

    Nora’s Journey

    May 20, 2024
    Nora Leahy ’24 arrived at Grinnell with her college life planned out to the T. Fortunately, none of her plans came true! With new passions and community, she explored new horizons.
  5. Brian looks ecstatic as he crosses the finish line in a cross country race

    Brian’s Journey

    May 13, 2024
    Brian Goodell ’24 always knew he wanted to go to a smaller school. After visiting lots of campuses, he came to Grinnell, and it just clicked.
  6. Caleb Hoereth '24

    Caleb’s Journey

    Apr 01, 2024
    Caleb Hoereth ’24 discovered his professional goals after multiple internships, clubs, and four years as a varsity soccer player.
  7. A young woman runner poses in front of Grinnell's Honor G flag

    Izzy’s Journey

    Mar 25, 2024
    Izzy George ’24 wanted a small college that was not too far from home, but also not too close. She wanted to take a wide variety of classes. Grinnell hit the sweet spot.
  8. Me held up by my best friend Quinn near a Grinnell indoor swimming pool

    Spencer’s Journey

    Mar 18, 2024
    At Grinnell, Spencer Clark ’23 found a group of incredible people waiting for him. With them, he swam competitively, studied abroad in London, and explored his passions.
  9. Math equations are written on a window, behind which are sillhouetes of people.

    3-2 Engineering Programs Give Grinnellians the Best of Both Worlds

    Oct 04, 2023
    Grinnell’s 3-2 partnerships grant students their B.A., B.S., and an engineering education unlike any other.
  10. Students walking to class outside

    Where Journeys Meet

    Aug 29, 2023
    The familiar hum of eager conversations and the laughter of old friends reuniting blended harmoniously with the cadence of fresh voices, painting a vivid picture of a community where journeys converge, united by the pursuit of knowledge and a world of perspectives.

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