students in central campus


  1. Suit Up

    Jan 04, 2013

    Author:  Sunanda Vaidheesh '12

    Grinnellians love to dress up. We embrace every chance to put away our homework and don the most ridiculous, fantastic…

  2. Two Grinnellians use theit laptops in the Grill on bright yellow and red chairs

    Art We Won’t Forget

    Jan 04, 2013


    Directly in front of me as I sit in The Spencer Grill, four banners hang from the second- floor balcony. Eighteen feet tall and four feet wide, the banners are covered in pictures,…

  3. Self-Defining Self-Governance

    Jan 04, 2013

    Author:  Caitlin Carmody '08

    Two years ago I led a small group discussion about self-governance during New Student Orientation. I tried my best to explain the fairly nebulous…

  4. 10 Classes to Take Before You Graduate

    Jan 04, 2013

    If you come to Grinnell, there are some classes that current students recommend strongly. If you join our ranks, you’ll write your own top 10 classes list. Here, in no particular order, are mine:<…

  5. Hands-On Learning

    Jan 04, 2013
    “Culture is hard to study because it is so huge.” OK, I get that. But it’s one thing to read it, to hear it. But Professor Kesho Scott doesn’t just say it — she shows it. “Put your hands in front of…
  6. Community

    Jan 04, 2013


    It was like trying to believe in Santa Claus. Was it really true? Would she remember? Would she really get up early on a Tuesday, walk from her cozy off-campus house all the way over to…

  7. Studio Rats

    Jan 04, 2013

    When I was a little boy, I used to love to play and imagine what I was going to be when I grew up. I would take my plastic dinosaurs outside, bury them in my backyard, and then dig them up,…

  8. Why Not Grinnell?

    Jan 04, 2013

    Author:  Diane Meisles '12

    When I applied to colleges, I did a lot of research and I concluded that a small, liberal arts college with a strong science program would…

  9. Students on the Mac field

    A Letter to Grinnell from a Grinnellian

    Jan 04, 2013

    Dear Grinnell,

    Could you explain to me how I became a college senior? I understand that classes were involved and the passage of time and a whole bunch of homework, but what happened? And…

  10. Blue Iowa

    Jan 04, 2013


    With more than 100 students crowded around the television, mouths dropping open, eyes fixated on the single small screen, one would imagine we were watching the Super Bowl or the season…

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