students in central campus


  1. Love in the Time of Dengue

    Jan 04, 2013


    Before going abroad, Grinnell students must attend an informational session about all the terrible things that can happen to you (but probably won’t) in order to prepare you to deal with…

  2. What a Prospective Student Host Fears Most

    Jan 04, 2013

    Author:  Nik Jameson '11

    I am sometimes called “Prospie Host Extraordinaire” because I match up prospective visitors with suitable hosts in my job for admission. But…

  3. Students happily converse as they listen to the band Millard Fillmore in the Pub

    Ye Newe Pub

    Jan 04, 2013
    The year is 1984. The legal drinking age in Iowa rises to 21. The state’s largest vendor of beer, according to legend, loses three-quarters of its customers. Two years later, the Grinnell College…
  4. At Home in a New World

    Jan 04, 2013


    I remember pulling up in the car to Lazier Hall on the first day of New Student Orientation. Lazier, the white-stone residence hall where I was going to live for my first year of…

  5. Finally Feeling Fit

    Jan 04, 2013


    In my last day of Phys Ed in high school — I can recall the crisp December afternoon quite vividly — I gave a whoop of joy and did a cartwheel across the soccer field (and by “did a…

  6. Take Back the Night

    Jan 04, 2013

    Take Back the Night is an event focused on collectively speaking out against — amongst many other social problems — rape, sexual violence, domestic violence, violence against children, and…

  7. When Prospies Enroll

    Jan 04, 2013


    It never seems to occur to prospies how much students pay attention to them. Surprise! We are a lot more curious and fascinated by you than we like to let on. My automatic response to…

  8. The Beauty of Prairie Butterflies

    Jan 04, 2013

    Before last summer, the only butterfly I could identify was a monarch, and the only prairie plant I knew was a coneflower. Thanks to an internship grant from the…

  9. Grinnell’s Green Thumbs

    Jan 04, 2013

    The transition from small farms and backyard gardens to centralized agriculture has distanced us from our food. We no longer know who grows our food or how they grow it. This, in turn, distances…

  10. The Importance of Dorm Decorations

    Jan 04, 2013

    After a full day of classes, there is nothing more comforting than ambling up a flight of stairs and relaxing in my surrogate home, that is to say, my dorm room. When I open the door to my three…

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