students in central campus


  1. Hands-On Learning

    “Culture is hard to study because it is so huge.” OK, I get that. But it’s one thing to read it, to hear it. But Professor Kesho Scott doesn’t just say it — she shows it. “Put your hands in front of…
  2. Lindy Hopping Around the World

    Jan 04, 2013

    “So what kind of dancing do you do?” my grandmother asked me when I visited her for lunch one day this past summer. “Swing,” I tell her again and then try to explain a little better. “Like Lindy…

  3. Bare Feet and Name Brands

    Jan 04, 2013


    Many Grinnellians pride themselves on adopting countercultural attitudes, breaking social constructs, and going against mainstream fads. More important, we also pride ourselves on being…

  4. Hot Fun in the Summertime

    Jan 04, 2013


    I am the queen of playing things by ear. Plan ahead? No, thank you — I’d rather not. Of course, at times it’s necessary, but in most cases, I believe life is more enjoyable if I take each…

  5. 10 Community Service Opportunities at Grinnell

    Jan 04, 2013

    Author: Liting Cong '11

    Social responsibility is one of the College’s core values. Hundreds of students, faculty, and staff are…

  6. Innovating in a Recession

    Jan 04, 2013


    The more times change, the more times demand — and reward — thoughtful innovation. Here are some thoughts on three innovative new steps we’re taking to better position the College for the…

  7. Pioneers announce 2009 football team award winners

    Jan 04, 2013
    The Grinnell College football team announced its award winners for the 2009 campaign. Marquis Bradley '11 won the Dick Ullrich '33 Award for the top offensive or defensive backfield performer, Mike…
  8. Liberal Arts Colleges Reach Minds Behind Bars

    Jan 04, 2013


     Lauren Sieben, Chronicle of Higher Education

    Liberal-Arts Colleges Reach Minds Behind…

  9. School Map

    Jan 04, 2013
  10. Students on the Mac field

    A Letter to Grinnell from a Grinnellian

    Jan 04, 2013

    Dear Grinnell,

    Could you explain to me how I became a college senior? I understand that classes were involved and the passage of time and a whole bunch of homework, but what happened? And…

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