students in central campus


  1. The Lovable, Loquacious Residents of Lazier Fourth

    Jan 04, 2013

    Until I came to Grinnell, I had lived with my parents in Kansas City. Living in a dorm in the middle of rural Iowa has been quite a change for me. College was the first time I had to share a room…

  2. Religion in the Cornfields

    Jan 04, 2013


    I’ve been a Unitarian Universalist all my life. I’m used to people asking me “What’s UU?” all the time, so by now, I’ve got the speech down. But what I didn’t know was that by coming to…

  3. A Professor's desk

    Malcolm, Right?

    Jan 04, 2013


    Grinnell is a unique place. It’s one of the only colleges I know of where someone can play football and be involved in theatre at the same time. One of the things that makes this possible…

  4. "Off Campus" Adventures

    Jan 04, 2013

    During the first-day orientation for Grinnell-in-London (GIL), one of the College’s oldest off-campus study programs, we received an exciting list of fieldtrips. In addition to GIL’s fabulous main…

  5. Lindy Hopping Around the World

    Jan 04, 2013

    “So what kind of dancing do you do?” my grandmother asked me when I visited her for lunch one day this past summer. “Swing,” I tell her again and then try to explain a little better. “Like Lindy…

  6. Today’s the Day the College Kids Have their Picnic!

    Jan 04, 2013
    Author:  Erin Sindewald ’08

    It is a clear blue day, the flowers are in bloom, and the birds are chirping songs of…

  7. 10 Community Service Opportunities at Grinnell

    Jan 04, 2013

    Author: Liting Cong '11

    Social responsibility is one of the College’s core values. Hundreds of students, faculty, and staff are…

  8. Singing Outside the Mold

    Jan 04, 2013


    I was extremely active in my high school’s choir. I spent more time, and certainly got more joy out of it, than I did in most of my classes. Not that I was a fantastic singer, but I found…

  9. Roommates

    Jan 04, 2013


    It was late July, and I sat at my computer, feverishly checking the Grinnell PioneerWeb networking site for my first-year housing information. It was probably the third or fourth time that…

  10. My Computer Outweighs Me

    Jan 04, 2013


    Two years ago when I was getting ready to head off to college, my parents told me I could have a laptop. Stoked beyond all reckoning, I surfed Dell’s website to decide what model I wanted …

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