students in central campus


  1. If You Can't Visit...

    Jan 04, 2013


    You can learn a lot about a college by reading its brochures, web pages, and magazines, but these resources cannot fully convey everything that makes Grinnell College such a wonderful…

  2. Diversity and Unity

    Jan 04, 2013


    The International Student Organization’s annual Food Bazaar (one of my favorite events of the fall semester) is an obvious celebrations of Grinnell’s diversity. But for me, what stands out…

  3. Judaism in the Cornfields

    Jan 04, 2013

    Until Grinnell, I had lived my whole life in the East Coast Jewish bubble. I went to a private Jewish day school, ate Chinese food on Christmas, and attended more bar mitzvah ceremonies than you…

  4. People Watching and Study Buddies

    Jan 04, 2013


    I’m a person who is very set in my habits. I get out of bed at the same time every single morning and try to go to bed at the same time every night. I go to the library pretty much every…

  5. Ecological Initiatives

    Jan 04, 2013


    In a series of meetings I have had last year with the larger Grinnell family — including open office hours, lunches with faculty and administrators, and conversations with students …

  6. Snowperson and real person

    Wise and Weathered

    Jan 04, 2013

    Author:  Sunanda Vaidheesh '12

    What puzzled my Indian friends and family the most when I decided to go to school in Iowa wasn’t how I was going to survive outside the…

  7. Lacy Bonnet and All

    Jan 04, 2013

    Boy, did I feel stupid that chilly October day during my senior year of high school, sitting in the Career Development Office with two fellow classmates. Across the table, a very professional…

  8. Tales of a Transfer

    Jan 04, 2013

    As my parents helped me unload the station wagon and carry my belongings up four flights of stairs on that hot afternoon in late August, the realization that this was the place where I would spend…

  9. Class of 2014 Begins to Take Shape

    Dec 31, 2009

    Grinnell College's class of 2014 is already beginning to take shape. In mid-December, students who applied in the first round of Early Decision learned whether or not they had been admitted…

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