students in central campus


  1. Art history students look at stained glass windows in Louis Sullivan's Merchants' Bank

    Studying the Artistic and Architectural Gems of Grinnell

    Introduction to Art History (ARH 103) is a foundational course that makes active use of the Grinnell College Art Collection, exhibited and housed in the College’s Museum of Art. According to Professor Jenny Anger, much of the coursework is based on the close study of these works of art.
  2. American flags

    American Studies: Analyzing How the Past Shapes the Way We See America Today

    May 14, 2022
    By pursuing an understanding of historical events and their modern relevance, Introduction to American Studies (AMS 130) is an integrative course that explores the core values of American life and culture.
  3. Claire Davis ’22 with viola

    Remember to Breathe: Claire Davis ’22

    May 14, 2022
    Through her experiences in distinguished summer festivals and on-campus performance ensembles, Claire Davis ’22 found her place within the music department as well as a path to her future.
  4. Dixuan Yujing Chen teaches religious studies

    Alternative Perspectives on Healing

    May 14, 2022
    Religion, Healing, and Health (REL 252) is an interdisciplinary course that explores the religious and social dimensions of healing worldwide. The course includes explorations of the complex relationships among spiritual practices, health, and wellness.
  5. drum cymbals

    Learning the Value of Music

    May 14, 2022
    In Introduction to Music Studies (MUS 100), you will explore music and the ways it can shape our lives. You will expand your understanding of music’s importance in our society as a formative component of history, culture, identity, and creativity, while learning some basic skills that can help you become more creative, skilled, and equitable musicians yourselves.
  6. Middle Eastern text with magifying glass

    The Intertwined Study of Religion and History

    May 14, 2022
    As a student in the course Studying Religion: Middle East (REL 103), which serves as an introduction to the religious studies major, you’ll be immersed in the history and religions of the Middle East.
  7. Jars of herbal formulas with students in background

    Plant-based Healing Around the World

    May 13, 2022
    If you’re looking for a humanities course that will breathe new life into your class schedule, check out Comparative Herbalism (HIS 195), a fun new course that’s anything but typical.
  8. Paul Hutchison and student

    A New Approach to Learning Physics

    May 13, 2022
    In the course How to Learn Physics (EDU/PHY 115), students identify an intriguing physical phenomenon to explore further. From there, they use everyday reasoning to make conjectures about what could be happening in the phenomenon and to test those conjectures.
  9. sustaining vision

    Exhibition Features Recent Additions to the Collection of Grinnell College Museum of Art  

    May 12, 2022
    ‘Sustaining Vision’ Exhibition will continue through June 11, 2022
  10. Students dressed in graduation regalia

    Library for Alumni

    May 12, 2022
    Your Grinnell student days may be coming to a close, but your quest for knowledge does not have to be. To support alumni’s lifelong learning endeavors, the Grinnell College Libraries and Office of Development and Alumni Relations are pleased to provide alumni with access to a range of academic databases.

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