students in central campus


  1. Special Campus Memo: Federal Tax Legislation

    Nov 09, 2017
    Grinnell College is tracking parts of the proposed federal tax legislation that could have serious impacts on Grinnellians, and jeopardize our ability to deliver on our mission.
  2. Book Talk by Autumn Wilke, Assistant Dean for Disability Resources

    Nov 09, 2017
    November 16, 4:15 p.m., Burling Lounge, 1st floor
  3. Grinnell Performs First Amateur Production of Nice Fish

    Nov 09, 2017
    The play, described as “Waiting for Godot on ice,” featured Grinnell College students as the cast and crew.
  4. SALSC members organize a donation

    Reaching Out

    Nov 07, 2017
    By heading up Student Athletes Leading Social Change (SALSC), Daria Guzzo ’19 is helping ensure that student-athletes have access to quality opportunities for community involvement.
  5. National Director of AmeriCorps Visits Grinnell to Learn about Local Programs

    Nov 07, 2017
    Chester Spellman wanted to see how a small community overcomes barriers to national service.
  6. Grinnell College Plans Installation Ceremony for Endowed Chairs, Professorships

    Nov 07, 2017
    Honorees at Nov. 14 event will be Shuchi Kapila, Elaine Marzluff, Daniel Reynolds, and Erik Simpson.
  7. Lizeth Gutierrez ’12 in front of Mears Cottage

    A Passion for Ideas

    Nov 07, 2017
    Mellon Mays fellows gain the tools and support necessary to thrive in academia.
  8. Four Grinnell College Professors to Discuss Catalonia’s Bid for Independence

    Nov 07, 2017
    Panel to shed light on the causes that precipitated Catalonia’s bid for independence and the shared and opposed mentalities driving this conflict.
  9. Students Stretch Entrepreneurial Muscles at 3-Day Innovation Competition

    Nov 03, 2017
    At Pioneer Weekend, Nov. 10-12, student innovators will work in teams to complete prototypes of their entrepreneurial ideas and get valuable feedback from experts. Hear their final pitches and find out who wins on Sun., Nov. 12.

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