students in central campus


  1. The Grinnell Magazine

    Art and Science Unite

    Jackie Brown, professor of biology, and Lesley Wright, director of the Faulconer Gallery, have teamed up to curate an exhibition that explores the relationship…

  2. Commencement 2018

    Mar 20, 2018

    Celina Karp Biniaz ’52, the youngest Jewish person rescued by Oskar Schindler, a Czech businessman, during the Holocaust, will be Grinnell College’s 2018 Commencement…

  3. spread of Grinnell Magazines

    Readers Speak Volumes

    Mar 20, 2018

    How do our readers think we’re doing with The Grinnell Magazine? That question was the main focus of a reader survey conducted by Grinnell’s Office of…

  4. Persuading Students to Choose Grinnell

    Mar 20, 2018

    In October of 2017, I had the pleasure of speaking with alumni volunteers on campus during Volunteer Weekend about the work of the admission and financial aid offices. I quizzed their memories of…

  5. Construction update

    Mar 20, 2018

    The east side of Alumni Recitation Hall (ARH, originally opened in 1916) and Carnegie Hall (opened in 1905 as the College library and used since the 1950s for classrooms and offices) are being…

  6. Grinnell College to Host Award-Winning Authors Marlon James and Roxane Gay

    Mar 16, 2018
    Writers at Grinnell enables students, faculty, and residents to interact with renowned authors.
  7. Erin Whalen

    Rising High

    Mar 15, 2018

    Erin Whalen’s pursuit of educational equity drives the high energy and enthusiasm he brings to his work each day as assistant principal at RISE High, a project-based charter high…

  8. 2018 Watson fellows

    Two Seniors Awarded Prestigious Thomas Watson Fellowships

    Mar 15, 2018
    Each recipient receives $30,000 for a postgraduate year of study and travel abroad.
  9. Fredo Rivera in Hatian art gallery

    Studying Haitian Art in Iowa

    Mar 15, 2018
    When Fredo Rivera ’06, who grew up in Miami, first came to Grinnell, what he found surprised him. Iowa, it turns out, has one of the largest concentrations of Haitian art in the world.
  10. April Dobbins

    Diversity in Filmmaking: Independent Film from the Fringes

    Mar 15, 2018
    A screening of films from underrepresented communities and discussion of the trials and benefits of making movies outside the traditional Hollywood model.

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