students in central campus


  1. Civic Engagement

    Ali Brown 4

    Here we have another late report. Apparently Africa is still in my blood and I am still doing things slowly. I am back in the States. So is my luggage. So is Lauren. The latter two almost didn't…

  2. All the Fun Stuff

    Jan 04, 2013

    The presiding officer’s heavy wooden gavel comes smashing down on the table as the opening theme to Lady Gaga’s new single blares from my computer speakers. My friend and I flinch, sigh, and exit…

  3. Two Grinnellians use theit laptops in the Grill on bright yellow and red chairs

    Art We Won’t Forget

    Jan 04, 2013


    Directly in front of me as I sit in The Spencer Grill, four banners hang from the second- floor balcony. Eighteen feet tall and four feet wide, the banners are covered in pictures,…

  4. Religion in the Cornfields

    Jan 04, 2013


    I’ve been a Unitarian Universalist all my life. I’m used to people asking me “What’s UU?” all the time, so by now, I’ve got the speech down. But what I didn’t know was that by coming to…

  5. Pre-Health

    Jan 04, 2013

    Pre-Health: Courses | Department

    Students interested in preparing for medical school or another health profession may select any major offered at Grinnell College while completing the…

  6. 798 Art District in Beijing

    Jan 04, 2013

    Anyone who saw the Olympics may have gotten a sense of the sophistication of Beijing. Whatever TV can show, it’s nothing compared to the lived experience in China’s capitol city. From its wide…

  7. New Blog

    Jan 04, 2013

    Welcome to the History Department's new Blog page! As part of our attempt to keep the Grinnell Community informed about History-related developments, events, and achievements, the Department Web…

  8. Grinnell-Knox basketball times changed for Feb. 18

    Jan 04, 2013
    Starting times have been changed for the Grinnell College and Knox College basketball games Feb. 18 in Galesburg, Ill. The men's game has been switched to a 5:30 p.m. start, followed by the women at…
  9. Day in the Life

    Jan 04, 2013

    If I haven't been awakened by the roosters already, my alarm gets me up about 6:30. I used to get up closer to 6:00 and go jogging with Ali twice a week, but I've gotten lazy and its getting to…

  10. A Summer of Peace and Adventure

    Jan 04, 2013

    As a third-year student, I sincerely believe that Grinnell College is a place where the spirit of the liberal arts goes deep. During school days, as well as the summer breaks, Grinnell provides…

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