students in central campus


  1. Students carry their bags

    My First Day


    August 22, 2009. I will never, ever forget that date. That was — drum roll please — the day I became an official Grinnellian. At 3:45 a.m., I got out of my cozy, familiar bed in my parents…

  2. Nor4East

    Jan 04, 2013


    Hall: Norris. Floor: fourth. Side: east. The most basic way to summarize my location on campus is Nor4East. Norris Hall may be at the far end of campus, but it has its advantages: A/C…

  3. Today’s the Day the College Kids Have their Picnic!

    Jan 04, 2013
    Author:  Erin Sindewald ’08

    It is a clear blue day, the flowers are in bloom, and the birds are chirping songs of…

  4. Friday Night Fun

    Jan 04, 2013

    It took a church basement full of grade-school kids to show me how much more there is to Iowa than just cornfields.

    How did this happen? One Friday afternoon in the spring of my second…

  5. Hong Kong Adventures

    Jan 04, 2013


    For the last two days, we have been hosted royally in Hong Kong by friends and colleagues. They have given us glimpses of Hong Kong we would likely never have found on our own.  And they…

  6. Grinnell among leading producers of Fulbright Assistants

    Jan 04, 2013


    Grinnell College is among the nation’s leaders in the number of graduates who are awarded Fulbright grants to work and serve in international locations, according to the U.S…

  7. Grinnell's Montgomery is MWC Track Performer of the Week

    Jan 04, 2013
    Grinnell College’s David Montgomery has been named the Midwest Conference Men’s Track Performer of the Week. Montgomery, who is from Elmhurst, Ill. (York HS), had a stellar weekend at the Buena…
  8. Humanities Majors Can Like Science Too

    Jan 04, 2013


    I arrived at Grinnell my first year as a wannabe physicist and a wannabe writer, and I had no idea which of these subjects I wanted to follow. If I had been stuck with such diverse…

  9. Simplicity Gets a Bad Rap

    Jan 04, 2013


    Half an hour ago, as I walked back to my dorm after class, a pair of gorgeous monarch butterflies flitted across my path. Now, I have seen butterflies at home in Oregon — the white-winged…

  10. Self-Defining Self-Governance

    Jan 04, 2013

    Author:  Caitlin Carmody '08

    Two years ago I led a small group discussion about self-governance during New Student Orientation. I tried my best to explain the fairly nebulous…

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