Volunteer Initiative Program for Faculty & Staff
The Volunteer Initiative Program (VIP) was formalized in 1999 because Grinnell College understands that students, faculty, and staff have a tremendous impact on the quality of life in our area through the time and energy that they invest in community activities.
For every employee who contributes 20 hours of volunteer time to a community organization, Grinnell College grants $100 to that organization of choice. Encouraging employee volunteerism in the local community is consistent with the College's mission, values, and commitment to the community. This program encourages employees to volunteer in those projects that they feel most passionate about while allowing them to direct some of the College's contributions at the same time.
In December, red VIP forms will be sent to qualified employees. Please complete the form and return it to the community enhancement and engagement office.
For guidelines and more information please visit the Volunteer Initiative Program (VIP) webpage. VIP Request Forms are also available on-line or by contacting the Office of Community Enhancement & Engagement at 641-269-3900. Completed forms can be submitted to our office at the Old Glove Factory (733 Broad St.).