Title IX Investigation Closed by Office of Civil Rights

Aug 3, 2017

The College received a letter from the Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, on July 28, 2017, informing us the Title IX complaint that was opened in July 2015 has been administratively closed.

The notice stated: "OCR has determined that there are no systemic issues pending that warrant OCR continuing the investigation."

This, by no means, suggests our work is done nor is it a signal to stop any of our efforts in education, prevention, or response to sexual violence or misconduct. Rather, we will take this letter as encouragement about our efforts to date. In keeping with our commitment to these issues, we will continue to broaden our efforts to reduce the incidence of sexual misconduct while also expanding our work to address other forms of discrimination.

Grinnell's Sexual Respect website provides information about the Title IX policies, procedures, and resources available to our community.

As always, we encourage College community members to contact the Title IX office (titleix@grinnell.edu or call 641-269-4999) if you have questions, concerns, or are seeking support.

Office of the President

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