Campus Construction Update: March 28-April 4
Please be safe and aware of activity that may affect you. Construction is expanding beyond the HSSC site.
What you need to know:
The fence around Mac Field is in place to facilitate geothermal well field drilling, which is scheduled to be completed by August. Traffic on Mac Field will resume when new turf is fully established. Thank you for your patience with our energy sustainability efforts.
Major activity week of March 27 through the week of April 3:
- Excavation of south pavilion
- Excavation of foundation footings
- Deliveries of rebar
- Deliveries of concrete, daily
- Quality control inspections prior to placing concrete
Installations occurring during this time period:
- Geothermal wells, Mac Field
- Shoring for excavation at Carnegie and ARH
- “Mud mats” for footing installations
- Foundation footings
- Foundation walls
- East storm sewer