Announcing Team Rubicon Internship
One of the Center for Careers, Life, and Service’s (CLS) newest Grinnellink internships is with Team Rubicon. Team Rubicon's co-founders, Jacob Wood and William McNulty, received the Grinnell Prize in 2012. This summer 2014 internship is open to all current students interested in learning about military veterans and disaster response.
Team Rubicon’s mission is to unite the skills and experiences of military veterans with medical professionals to rapidly deploy emergency response teams into crisis situations. Its vision is a new paradigm in disaster response that recognizes and harnesses the skills of military veterans, offering them a chance to continue their service by helping and empowering those afflicted by disasters, and also themselves.
Team Rubicon asks that all personnel, including interns, be committed to working in alignment with the following operational principles:
- Tenacity,
- Excellence,
- Impartiality,
- Service,
- Collaboration,
- Accountability,
- Transparency,
- Priority,
- Adaptability, and
- Innovation.
Grinnellink internships are specific opportunities with College alumni and friends and are open exclusively to Grinnell students. The CLS coordinates the internships, which include full funding for food, transportation, and housing. Opportunities are 8–10 week, full-time summer internships.
Students can log in to PioneerLink to view full descriptions of Grinnellink internships, qualifications to apply, and application instructions. Online applications will be available mid-January 2014. The deadline to apply for the Team Rubicon internship is 11:59 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2014.
Visit the CLS for more information about this opportunity with Team Rubicon, or to explore Grinnellink and other summer internship options.