Magic Box in Burling Library

The Magic Box

Sep 13, 2021
New to the Burling Library first floor is the Magic Box, a digital display case to feature rotating items from the Salisbury House Library Collection and Grinnell College Special Collections. Through the digital display, you can explore further into the item on display, the collection, and digital projects.
Blue tinted image of a compass and map on desk with small Project Muse logo in the corner

If you like JSTOR, try Project Muse.

Sep 13, 2021
Project Muse® provides Grinnell students, faculty, and staff access to full-text scholarly journals and books in the fields of literature and criticism, history, the visual and performing arts, cultural studies, education, political science, gender studies, economics, and more.
Images of architecture

ARTSTOR Digital Library

Sep 07, 2021
A resource containing over 2 million images from the world's museums, archives, libraries, scholars, and artists.
Earth globe in water

Proquest Central Online Periodical Resource

Aug 25, 2021
ProQuest Central is the largest full-text resource available, bringing together complete databases across all major subject areas, including humanities, business, health and medical, social sciences, and science and technology.
Sign depicting dark rectangle spanning a blue diamond, red square and yellow triangle with the words Grinnell College find your zone

Find Your Zone in Burling Library

Aug 18, 2021
Please look for the colorful explanatory zone signs posted throughout Burling to find just the right spot for you.
Family sitting around a table

Everyday Life and Women in America, c.1800-1920

Mar 01, 2024
Grinnell College Libraries has access to Adam Matthew's "Everyday Life & Women in America, c.1800-1920 showcasing unique primary source material for the study of American social, cultural, and popular history in the 19th and early 20th centuries.
A handdrawn bookcart with books

Summer Pop-Up Library on June 14

Jun 10, 2021
On Monday, June 14, from noon–3:30 p.m. (weather permitting), come browse and feel free to check out books from the Grinnell College Libraries’ special pop-up library on the north balcony of Burling. In addition, Burling Library is now open for book paging pick up only from 10 a.m.–Noon; 1–3 pm. Appointments may be made for research.
Students dressed in graduation regalia

Library for Alumni

May 21, 2021
Your Grinnell student days may be coming to a close, but your quest for knowledge does not have to be. To support alumni’s lifelong learning endeavors, the Grinnell College Libraries and Office of Development and Alumni Relations are pleased to provide alumni with access to a range of academic databases.
Students and library staff on Burling Library north balcony

May 7 Burling Pop-Up Library #2

May 05, 2021
On Friday, May 7, from noon-3:30 pm (weather permitting) come browse and feel free to check out books from the Grinnell College Libraries’ second special pop-up library on the north balcony of Burling. We will have book carts available containing new books from several collections in the library. Please maintain the designated social distancing and wear a mask.
Squirrel in a planter near Forum

Finals Week Pet Grams

Apr 30, 2021
Feeling stressed? Know someone who could use a pick-me-up? Send yourself, a friend, a classmate, or a colleague some love and support in the form of a Finals Week Pet Gram, courtesy of the Grinnell College Libraries!

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