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Students happily converse as they listen to the band Millard Fillmore in the Pub

Ye Newe Pub

Jan 04, 2013
The year is 1984. The legal drinking age in Iowa rises to 21. The state’s largest vendor of beer, according to legend, loses three-quarters of its customers. Two years later, the Grinnell College…

A Film Festival Spectacle

Jan 04, 2013

Let me tell you a little about Titular Head, Grinnell’s own homegrown film festival. Now don’t get the wrong impression. We’re not sophisticated filmmakers. We don’t watch in silence and clap…

We’ve Got Each Other—and That’s A Lot

Jan 04, 2013

Author:  Erin Sindewald '08

As an oh-so-recent Grinnell grad who has oh-so-recently experienced the final ticks of my college…

Furry Little Friends

Jan 04, 2013


While most colleges have some sort of mascot, a select few have unofficial ones that are even more popular amongst the student body. Here at Grinnell College, our unofficial mascot is…

I Take Fake Newspapers Seriously

Jan 04, 2013

When I first visited Grinnell, I was looking for ways to differentiate the College from other schools I had already been to. What was it about Grinnell that everyone said was so different and…

Bubble What?

Jan 04, 2013


I had been studying for my chemistry final for three days straight. I was sick from the winter cold, and had lost the notebook with all my notes. I was so stressed and over-caffeinated, I…

Simplicity Gets a Bad Rap

Jan 04, 2013


Half an hour ago, as I walked back to my dorm after class, a pair of gorgeous monarch butterflies flitted across my path. Now, I have seen butterflies at home in Oregon — the white-winged…

Lacy Bonnet and All

Jan 04, 2013

Boy, did I feel stupid that chilly October day during my senior year of high school, sitting in the Career Development Office with two fellow classmates. Across the table, a very professional…

Blue Iowa

Jan 04, 2013


With more than 100 students crowded around the television, mouths dropping open, eyes fixated on the single small screen, one would imagine we were watching the Super Bowl or the season…


Jan 04, 2013


One of the things I was most amazed at when I began my first semester here at Grinnell was the vast diversity in the student clubs and organizations. There were so many choices at the…

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