Mar 17, 2025  
2024-2025 Student Handbook 
2024-2025 Student Handbook

Campus Life Policies


The following section lists the Campus Life policies, including:

a.) the policy/ies and its definition

b.) the author(s) of each policy in case you have questions, comments or concerns;

c.) the rationale(s) for each policy.

As a residential liberal arts community, where self-governance and personal responsibility are hallmarks, it is most appropriate to provide this information so that students can know how policies came to be, ways in which they reinforce our self-governing community, and why certain policies even exist in the first place.

Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy

An intrinsic principle of self-governance is the expectation that students will make decisions about their own alcohol and other drug use that follow state and federal laws, do not endanger themselves or others, and do not negatively impact their community. Among these expectations, the community expects students to prevent problems before they occur by using active bystanderism, good judgment, and common sense. In order for the concept of self-governance to be actualized, each student must make a commitment to the community in matters relating to alcohol and other drugs.

Grinnell College opposes the illegal use and/or abuse of alcohol and other drugs in the college environment because of the serious problems related to the misuse of alcohol and other drugs, and because this practice can hinder the educational process, impact a student’s well-being, and lead to loss of human life. The College takes a position of serious concern about, and opposition to, the misuse of alcoholic beverages and use of other drugs (including misuse of prescription drugs) in the College community. Therefore, the College urges all students to exercise mature judgment and social responsibility when making decisions regarding the use of alcohol and other drugs.

Medical Amnesty

The inclusion of a medical amnesty clause is an effort to ensure that student safety takes priority in the implementation of Grinnell’s Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) Policy. In an emergency situation, we rely on students’ willingness to access campus resources for support. To that end, the College’s response prioritizes care and concern for the safety of the student(s) involved - both the student calling for help and those needing assistance.

Grinnell College affirms active bystanderism and urges students to call for help during a medical emergency. Fear of punitive response from the College should not impede a student’s willingness to call for help in such situations.

When a student experiences a physical or psychological crisis while under the influence of AOD, neither the student in crisis nor the student(s) calling for help will be subject to punitive disciplinary action from the college. Educational measures to prevent future incidents may still apply. Please be advised that criminal/civil processes function independently from campus procedures. This amnesty policy applies only to campus conduct procedures.

The students involved may be required to participate in AOD screening, BASICS or marijuana screening and intervention as an educational outcome. Failure to attend mandatory screening, evaluation, BASICS, or health appointments will invalidate the Medical Amnesty Policy, and standard disciplinary action will be taken.

In cases of physical assault or sexual misconduct, the student coming forward with a complaint shall not face campus conduct charges related to alcohol or other drugs.

Individual: Any individual calling for medical assistance on behalf of themselves or another student experiencing an AOD related emergency will be considered for medical amnesty from any punitive disciplinary action. Educational measures may still apply.

Organization and/or Event Host: A representative of an organization or a designated event host is expected to promptly call for emergency medical assistance in an alcohol or other drugs-related emergency. Failure to call for help in an alcohol or other drugs-related medical emergency will be considered when determining outcomes for any policy violations related to that event.

The Medical Amnesty Policy should not be abused. This policy does not protect students from disciplinary action who are found to be responsible for violating other college policies. Incidents where the student needing help is found to be responsible for violating the sexual misconduct policy; physical assault; vandalism; theft; destruction of property; distribution, possession of distributable quantities of drugs; or intention to distribute drugs will result in formal disciplinary action through the college conduct system.

Consistent with putting the health and safety of students first, the College will approach repeated incidents as a serious health risk and disruption to the community. While amnesty may apply in subsequent cases, it is at the discretion of the Dean of Student or designee.

Illegal Drug Policy

Possession of illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia, the manufacture, sale, or distribution, or the facilitation of access to such drugs is prohibited by the College. Substances intended as alternatives to illegal drugs, including but not limited to synthetic cannabis, CBD, and salvia divinorum fall within this policy, as well. Possession or use of prescription medication, except within the orders of a medical professional, or the sale or distribution of such drugs, is also prohibited by the College.

Consumption of Alcohol

Students who are of Iowa’s legal drinking age (21+) may consume alcohol in their on-campus residence hall rooms, except in substance-free residence halls. Alcohol in student rooms must be limited to personal consumption (only enough alcohol to serve oneself) and follow all other alcohol policy guidelines (no pre-mixed hard alcohol, no common source containers, etc.). Students of Iowa’s legal drinking age (21+) may also consume alcohol in residential common spaces that are not designated as substance-free as long as the gathering does not exceed 20 people.

For 2023-24 academic year, the guidelines for hosting events with alcohol will be under review by the Committee on Student Life. Until these guidelines are published, alcohol will not be permitted at student-sponsored campus events.

Civil Laws and Sanctions Regarding Alcohol and Other Drugs

Alcohol Laws - Iowa State Code states that it is unlawful for any person “to sell, give, or otherwise supply alcoholic liquor, wine, or beer to any person knowing or having reasonable cause to believe that person to be under legal age, and a person or persons under legal age shall not individually or jointly have alcoholic liquor, wine, or beer in their possession or control.” The law further states that “no person under legal age shall misrepresent the person’s age for the purpose of purchasing or attempting to purchase any alcoholic beverage, wine, or beer from any licensee or permittee.” Penalties range from a simple misdemeanor to a serious misdemeanor. In Iowa the legal drinking age is 21.

Drug Laws - Iowa State Code states that it is unlawful for any person not authorized by Chapter 124 of the state code “to manufacture, deliver, or possess with intent to manufacture or deliver a controlled—or counterfeit substance—or to act with, enter into a common scheme or design with, or conspire with one or more other persons to manufacture, deliver, or possess with intent to manufacture or deliver a controlled substance.” Penalties range from a simple misdemeanor to a felony. For greater detail of these laws, see Chapters 123 and 124 of the Iowa State Code.

The federal law with respect to drug abuse prevention and control may be found in Title 21, Chapter 13, of the United States Code. A copy of the code is located in the reference section Burling Library. Reference librarians are available to help students locate the sections of the U.S. code.

A number of different penalties (sanctions) may be imposed by the magistrate or other representatives of the civil judicial system. Penalties include criminal charges, ranging from a simple misdemeanor to a felony. Sentencing may include one or more of the following: monetary fines, incarceration, and community service. Penalties may be different for persons under or over the age of 18 years old. Persons under 18 who violate drug and alcohol laws may be turned over to juvenile authorities or are dealt with through the court system. Persons over 18 are dealt with through the court system. Persons over 18 who are charged with the use or possession of illegal drugs are treated as adults. Fines, jail sentences, and community service are at the discretion of the magistrate or district court judge. Similarly, penalties may also be different for persons who hold non-immigrant status in the United States. Arrests can impact visa renewal, clearance through a port of entry, and/or adjudication of immigration applications or benefits. Consequences for a criminal conviction may include: inadmissibility; deportability; failure to maintain status; and/or ineligibility for adjustment or status and/or other immigration benefits.

Campus Educational Outcomes for Violation of Alcohol and Drug Policy

If there is evidence that a student is violating our community standards regarding alcohol or other drugs, a Student Affairs staff member and/or a Campus Safety staff member may refer the student to the campus conduct process. If substance abuse is suspected, a Student Affairs staff member may refer the student for further assessment. If a student would like to bring charges against another student, they may do so after consulting a Student Affairs staff member (including an RLC). All hearings are confidential and are held in closed session.

The hearing board presiding officer will forward its findings and sanction recommendations to the Dean of Students. While the Dean of Students may accept, reject, or modify the educational outcome recommendations, outcomes will be imposed on students who are found in violation of the college alcohol and drug policy.

Educational outcomes may include, but are not limited to:

  • Requiring that the student seek advising from Student Affairs staff.
  • Participation in BASICS (Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College Students) or a brief marijuana screening and intervention.
  • Requiring that the student receive a substance abuse assessment and/or substance abuse education from a local agency.
  • Requiring the completion of an appropriate rehabilitation program.
  • Recommending disciplinary action that may include conduct warning, conduct probation, deferred finding of responsibility, behavioral expectations, parental/guardian notification, residence hall suspension, residence hall dismissal, suspension, dismissal, community restitution fines, community service work, and/or referral for prosecution.
  • Barring from hosting/serving/wrist banding/purchasing future parties.

If the student fails to complete or abide by any imposed outcomes, the hearing board or Dean of Students reserves the right to take further action.

Student conduct files are maintained for a period of seven years after graduation and content may be reportable to outside agencies seeking information on student conduct records (medical schools, law schools, the federal government, etc.). Conduct suspensions and dismissals will appear on college transcripts. 

Health Risks with Alcohol and Other Drugs

People who abuse alcohol or drugs risk damage to both their mental and physical health. The following is information taken from the Substance Abuse Identification Guide by Dr. W. R. Spence:  

Alcohol and Other Drugs
Health Risks
Solvents, Aerosols, Thinner, Paint, Lighter Fluid, Gas
liver, nerve, brain damage; heart failure; respiratory arrest; coma; suffocation; death
Heroin, Morphine, Codeine, Methadone
pulmonary edema; convulsions; respiratory arrest; coma; death
Alcohol, Benzodiazepines, Barbiturates, Chlorohydrins

nausea; severe anxiety; agitation; hallucinations; tremors; shakes; delirium; convulsions; death

Methylphenidate, Cocaine, Phenmetrazine, Amphetamines
convulsions; hypertension; coma; cardiac arrests; pulmonary edema; respiratory failure; death
Marijuana, LSD, PCP, MDMA, Mescaline, Psilocybin
paranoia; delusions; psychosis; hallucinations; convulsions; flashbacks; death

Substance Abuse Services

The Student Health and Wellness team may conduct substance abuse evaluations and follow-up outpatient treatment, or refer students to local providers for assessments. While College staff work closely with students experiencing substance difficulties, students will need to use health insurance or pay for required evaluations. Students will also need to pay for transportation to these services if they opt against using free local transportation provided by Student Health and Wellness..

The following students may be required to undergo an evaluation and follow the recommendations of the evaluation:

  • Students who are arrested on the violation of alcohol and/or drug laws.
  • Students who are hospitalized for an alcohol or drug overdose.
  • Students about whom concern is expressed regarding substance abuse or repeated choices regarding the use of alcohol and/or drugs that lead to harm.

Author: Vice President for Student Affairs, Dean of Students, Assistant Dean of Students, Assistant Dean of Health and Wellness, Dean for Student Involvement


  • to provide a harm-reduction approach;
  • to provide education and awareness to risks associated with misuse;
  • to be compliant with state and federal laws.

Bicycles and Personal Mobility Devices


Acrobatics – any action on a transportation device in which blades, skates, or wheels are off the ground simultaneously, or where the device is being used in a manner not consistent with normal transportation.

Bicycle – A two-wheeled pedal bicycle, including “E” bikes

Electric Personal Assistive Mobility Devices (EPAMD) – a self-balancing one or two-wheeled device with an electric propulsion system designed to transport a person for personal mobility purposes.

Motor Driven Device (e-scooters, e-boards, etc.) – devices propelled by internal combustion, battery, or other mechanical means; and designed to transport one or more persons and do not meet IA code requirements as a “motor vehicle” to be operated on a roadway.

Pedal Cycle – Unicycles, bicycles, and tricycles.  Transportation devices designed to be propelled by human power via operable pedals.

Scooter – a narrow platform mounted on tandem wheels with a handle to steer by turning the font wheel and is propelled solely by human power.

Snowboard – a board resembling a short, broad ski, used for sliding downhill on snow.

Skate – a shoe, with a set of wheels attached for gliding movement.

Skateboard – a board of any length (including long boards) mounted on wheels.

Ski (alpine, Nordic, etc.) – a pair of long narrow pieces of hard flexible material, fastened to the feet for gliding over the snow.

Sled – A coasting device with runners designed to slide on ice and snow.



No acrobatics of any kind are permitted.

The use of bicycles or personal mobility devices are prohibited within all campus buildings.

The use of bicycles or personal mobility devices on campus benches, steps, handrails, retaining walls, and other architectural features or landscaping is prohibited.

The installation of any man-made or natural (made from dirt, snow, ice, etc.) jumps, tracks, hills, or similar is prohibited.


Students who have a bicycle on campus are encouraged to register their bike. Registration is free of charge. Students may register their bicycle in-person with the Department of Campus Safety at Mears Cottage, First Floor (Dispatch) or via email at

Registration of bicycles helps curb bike theft and enables the Department of Campus Safety to coordinate the bicycle management program more efficiently.  Bicycle registration allows for the college to contact the owner, when necessary, regarding information pertaining to, or changes of, the bicycle management program. The college will not accept any responsibility for a registered bicycle. Both registered and non-registered bicycles can be removed from college property if abandoned.

Bicyclists should familiarize themselves with all appropriate laws regulating bicycle operation on and off campus.  Pedestrians shall be always given the right of way. Bicyclists riding on campus need to exercise caution when operating on campus sidewalks, drives and city streets.

Students are responsible for storing their bicycles throughout the year. While school is in session, bicycles should be parked and locked in loggia bike racks or bike racks throughout the campus.  Bicycles may not be locked on trees, railings, light poles, entrance ways to buildings, or places that hinder pedestrian traffic. Bicycles parked in common areas of the residence halls are considered a fire hazard and may be removed. 

Annually, at the conclusion of the academic year, unregistered bicycles left unattended on Grinnell College property may be considered abandoned.  These unregistered bicycles may be impounded by the Department of Campus Safety.

EPAMD and Motor Driven Devices

All EPAMD and Motor Driven Devices must be operated according to Iowa Vehicle Code and City of Grinnell Codes and Regulations.

EPAMD and Motor Driven Device users should register their property with the Department of Campus Safety.  This class of personal mobility devices should be parked on campus at places clearly designated by the presence of bicycle racks.  They may not be parked in automobile parking spaces, lawn areas, shrub or flower beds, streets, or driveways.  This also includes sidewalks, trees, railings, light poles, entrance to buildings, or places that hinder pedestrian travel.  Failure to comply with these restrictions may result in the impoundment of the device.

Snowboards, Skis, and Sleds

Snowboards, skis, and sleds should be used in a manner consistent with their intended use.  They should not be operated on campus sidewalks or improved surfaces on or around campus.  There is no registration process for these types of personal mobility devices, nor is it appropriate to store them in areas clearly designated by the presence of bicycle racks. They may not be parked or stored in automobile parking spaces, lawn areas, shrub or flower beds, streets, or driveways.  This also includes sidewalks, entrances to buildings, or places that hinder pedestrian travel.  Failure to comply with these restrictions may result in the impoundment of the device.

Skateboards, Scooters, In-Line Skates/Roller Skates, and Similar Devices

Persons may coast or ride upon human powered roller skates, in-line skates, and scooters on campus sidewalks provided they yield the right-of-way to pedestrians on foot and follow traffic rules at intersections.

Permitted devices may be parked on campus at places clearly designated by the presence of bicycle racks.  Specifically, a device must not be parked in automobile parking spaces, on lawn areas, shrub or flower beds, streets, or driveways.  This also includes sidewalks, trees, railings, light poles, entrance ways to building, or places that hinder pedestrian travel.  Failure to comply with these restrictions may result in the impoundment of the device.

Author: Campus Safety


  • to provide education about resources for alternative transportation methods.
  • to provide a safe and secure environment;
  • to educate students on where to use in-line skates, roller skates, and skateboards in a safe and courteous manner

Camera Footage Review Policy and Amnesty Clause

Camera footage captured on Grinnell College owned or controlled cameras will be reviewed only to investigate reported incidents that are in violation of handbook policies (student, staff, and faculty respectively) or those that may be classified as a criminal act. 

If, during the course of an investigation, a college official observes a policy violation that is seemingly unrelated to the incident under review, these violations will not be pursued with the filing of internal charges through the conduct system.  In this manner, students will have amnesty from disciplinary action from the College in violations observed that were unrelated to the reported case.  The College reserves the right to use footage that was originally deemed unrelated by a college official during initial review, but later became relevant due to information learned during the course of the investigation and may be held accountable.  Serious violations of campus policy that risk harm to others (e.g., sexual misconduct, physical assault, illegal drug distribution) will be referred to the appropriate local or campus authorities. 

Cameras are not intended to prevent criminal activity and are not regularly monitored.  The College is not responsible for any personal loss or damage to personal property, even in areas where a camera is present. 

If you need to report an incident in which camera footage may be of assistance to an investigation, please do so in a timely manner as footage may only be maintained for 14 days on College controlled servers. Reporting an incident so that footage can be preserved does not obligate the reporting party to file a formal complaint with the College in matters related to Title IX and VAWA related incidents. 

Camera footage will be released only consistent with the requirements of FERPA. 

Authors: Dean of Students, Campus Safety, Student Government Association 

Reviewed By: Title IX, Legal Counsel

Campus Fundraising Policy and Procedures

The purpose of this Policy is to outline the requirements and expectations for students, faculty, and non-DAR staff who wish to carry out a fundraising (gifts to create, enhance, or otherwise support individual or programmatic enterprises) effort to advance the mission of Grinnell College.

The Policy states:

  1. Fundraising for causes outside of the College is not permissible. As a nonprofit entity, fundraising conducted by students, faculty, and staff should directly support the mission and fundraising priorities of the College as identified by college leadership. In order for the College to ensure that donor intent, receipts, and financial management are managed according to donor wishes, only approved fundraising projects can be executed for and by the College. 

  1. Those who execute a fundraising project independently from DAR will bear the financial costs and burden of complying with applicable charitable solicitation and tax laws. 

The scope of this Policy relates to all fundraising activity and is meant to cover fundraising for the College.  It is not for the use of fundraising for any organization outside of the College. 

Before any new College fundraising activity takes place, DAR staff will work with those requesting fundraising assistance and campus partners to explore any existing funds that might be sufficient to support the identified fundraising need. Only the DAR division is authorized to manage the production of mailing, email, texting, crowdfunding (see Crowdfunding Policy and Procedure listed below), web content, personal outreach, and/or other types of communication that could be produced from the request of data. 

Fundraising projects are not meant to replace the College’s budgetary process. Review of all requests will include special attention to whether the fundraising project outcomes will be budget enhancing, budget relieving, or some combination thereof. 

It is the responsibility of any individuals and/or groups who conduct fundraising without DAR’s partnership, and without approval from the senior leaders listed below in “Procedures,” to be aware of and comply with all applicable legal and tax requirements. Please note that the College cannot provide legal or tax advice. The College and its employees are also not able to provide strategy and guidance to anyone who conducts fundraising without partnering with the DAR division. 


No solicitations may occur without the approval of DAR. Students, faculty, and staff interested in soliciting any or all segments of our constituency will also need to gain approval from their chair/advisor/supervisor and one of:

• Vice President of Student Affairs for students

• Dean of the College for faculty

• Divisional Vice President for staff

Those approved by their respective Dean or Vice President will then need to fill out a fundraising request form to seek approval from the Director of Annual Giving. If the Director of Annual Giving perceives the fundraising request(s) would create conflict, final approval will reside with the President of the College and the Vice President of Development and Alumni Relations. 


• Tapping into the expertise of the DAR team to maximize fundraising

• Following best practices in gift acceptance and receipting

• Professional management of gift(s), fund(s), and donor(s) in perpetuity


The preparation that goes into a project can have a considerable influence/impact on the project’s success. The College’s fundraising calendar is set at least a year, sometimes more, in advance. It is not always possible for DAR to accommodate requests based on the lead time provided. Longer lead time (minimum of 8 weeks) allows DAR time to position your project with other fundraising planning at the College. This also allows time to prepare the necessary marketing materials. 

The DAR office bears responsibility for managing our collective fundraising outreach to alumni, parents/families, and friends, and as such, DAR reserves the right to approve, change, or decline fundraising requests. 

There are times of year where DAR cannot approve fundraising solicitations or data requests. Those dates include Scarlet & Give Back Day, Reunion Weekend, End of Fiscal Year (month of June), and End of Calendar Year (mid-November through December 31). 


Donors who become engaged in fundraising projects by making gifts are guaranteed certain rights as stipulated in the Donor Bill of Rights

Individuals responsible for these fundraising projects must administer gifts responsibly and consistently with the purpose advertised to donors and must commit to and perform responsible stewardship as identified by the Office of Development and Alumni Relations and confirmed by the Director of Donor Relations. 

Donor Bill of Rights:

We strive to receipt and recognize all donations to Grinnell College quickly and accurately. We work to ensure the responsible use of restricted funds and to communicate the impact of giving to the College. To maintain the confidence of our donors, the College upholds the tenets outlined in the Donor Bill of Rights

Author: Director of Annual Giving 


  • to inform students of the requirements for fundraising efforts; 

  • to ensure fundraising efforts are in line with best practices; 

  • to ensure Development and Alumni Relations play an essential role in all campus fundraising initiatives 

Computer Use

Students are assigned an account that provides access to Grinnell College technology resources including email and file storage. For tips on getting started with technology at Grinnell, refer to the Technology Quick-Start Guide

Technology Policies 

Students must familiarize themselves with the following 

  1. Academic Computer Usage policy (Academic Computer Usage Policy is currently being updated; contact ITS with questions in the meantime)

  • details the appropriate use of Grinnell College technology resources.  

  • protects campus network users 

  • protects the security of Grinnell College’s technology resources 

  • maintains a reliable, optimally performing, network service for all campus constituents 

  1. Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998  

  1. Some technology resources, such as MathLAN, may have additional use policies  

  1. Other policies and best practices published by Information Technology Services (ITS)

Contact the Technology Services Desk with any questions: 

In-person visit: on campus in the Forum upper-level center 

​​​​​​​ By phone: x4901 or (641) 269-4901 

By email: 

Or online: 

If a student has any questions or would like more information, please contact the Technology Services Desk at ext. 4901 or by email at Feedback may be submitted to ITS at any time using the ITS Feedback Form.

Author: Information Technology Services


  • to provide guidelines for appropriate/acceptable computer use;
  • to provide means to report misuse;
  • to educate students on possible outcomes of misuse.


Students or student groups who plan to use non-college services for programming must consult with the Student Involvement staff to determine if a contract agreement is necessary prior to making any commitments to the service provider (i.e., presenter/artist/vendor). Some examples of non-college services, but are not limited to, include guest speakers/presenters, entertainers (i.e., poets, comedians, dance ensembles, bands, etc.), and rental of equipment (i.e., photo booths, sound, lights, furniture, etc.).  Contracts/agreements must be reviewed and signed with an authorized College signature before services are rendered.  Students are not authorized to sign contracts/agreements on behalf of the College or any of its student organizations. Students and student organizations must consult with the Student Involvement staff to have contracts properly reviewed and signed. A minimum of five weeks is required for proper processing.  All necessary finances must be secured prior to the signing of any and all contracts/agreements.

Author: Dean of Student Involvement


  • to provide guidance/support to a student (group);
  • to limit liability of students or the College as a whole;
  • to educate students of the ramifications of a legally-binding document.

Crowdfunding Policy and Procedures

The purpose of this policy and procedure is to outline the policy, process and procedures for faculty, staff, and students who wish to create crowdfunding campaigns at the College within the Office of Development and Alumni Relations (DAR). This type of fundraising effort is for those projects that are not achievable without additional gifts and are deemed attainable through this fundraising medium. Any crowdfunding project needs are to be managed by DAR in accordance with the Campus Fundraising Policy.

Crowdfunding is a fundraising method where donors typically contribute through an online platform based on a monetary goal and a deadline to reach the set goal. Crowdfunding projects are not meant to replace the College’s budgetary process. Review of all requests by DAR and the Accounting/Treasurer’s Office, will include whether the fundraising project will be budget enhancing or budget relieving.

Students, faculty, and staff will have the opportunity to apply for crowdfunding project support. In addition, DAR may seek proposals for new projects by contacting campus partners directly.

DAR will decide on the platform to be utilized for crowdfunding campaigns. Gifts made in support of College crowdfunding projects will be treated as gifts to the College. These gifts are tax-deductible under the College’s 501(c) (3) tax-exempt status. Gifts will go through the College’s standard gift processing, receipting, and recording procedures.

Procedures for Determining Project Eligibility

1. If sufficient funds are already available, as determined by the Accounting/Treasurers Office, the crowdfunding project will not be considered at that time.

2. Projects must range between $3,000 and $15,000. Exceptions may be made, with the approval of the Vice President of DAR, depending on the scope and timeline of the project.

3. Projects must add value to or further enhance the College’s mission statement, core values, and strategic planning.

4. Student projects must have a Grinnell College project sponsor (faculty or staff member).

5. Students, faculty, and staff interested in soliciting any or all segments of our constituencies, are encouraged to be in contact with DAR to discuss their projects. They will need to gain approval from the project sponsor and one of the following:

a. Vice President of Student Affairs for students

b. Dean of the College for faculty

c. Divisional Vice President for staff

6. Crowdfunding project promotion will occur during times identified by DAR.

Project Application Process

Students, faculty, and staff must submit an application to gain approval for a crowdfunding project. The application process is to ensure approval has been received from necessary campus partners and to outline responsibilities for project leadership including:

1. Providing project description, goals, and timeline for when funds are needed

2. Explanation for how project relates to the College’s mission and/or core values

3. Project team sponsor and leadership who will help with fundraising

4. Approval status from supervisor and/or campus leadership

5. Information on who will be solicited for the project


Per the Campus Fundraising Policy: No solicitations may occur without the approval of DAR. If the Director of Annual Giving perceives the fundraising request(s) would create conflict within the College’s Mission, Vision, and Values, final approval will reside with the Vice President of Development and Alumni Relations.


Donors who become engaged in fundraising projects by making gifts are guaranteed certain rights as stipulated in the Donor Bill of Rights. Individuals responsible for these fundraising projects must administer gifts responsibly and consistently with the purpose advertised to donors and must commit to and perform responsible stewardship as identified by DAR and confirmed by the Director of Alumni and Donor Relations.

Author: Director of Annual Giving


  • to inform students of the requirements for fundraising efforts;
  • to ensure fundraising efforts are in line with best practices;
  • to ensure Development and Advancement play an essential role in all campus fundraising initiatives

Eating Disorders and Disordered Eating

Eating disorders can affect any person regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, body shape, or body size. According to the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA), over 30 million people in the US struggle with an eating disorder. 

Please know that if you struggle with an eating disorder, body-image issues, and/or disordered eating patterns, you are not alone and there is support available. Grinnell College encourages any student who believes they may have some degree of disordered eating or an eating disorder to seek a professional evaluation and, if indicated, treatment.  Obtaining appropriate treatment can significantly enhance emotional, cognitive, and physical wellbeing.

What is Disordered Eating?

“Disordered eating” is the overarching term used to refer to preoccupation with and emotional distress around body size, shape, appearance, food, dieting, calorie intake, and/or exercise.  Disordered eating occurs across a continuum of severity, ranging from mild discomfort to clinically diagnosable eating disorders.  Symptoms may include restricting caloric intake, rigid rules about “good” and “bad” foods, consuming large quantities of food in an uncontrolled or compulsive manner (binging), purging (e.g. self-induced vomiting, using laxatives/diuretics, taking unprescribed diet pills/powders), over-exercising, frequently checking one’s body size in the mirror, self-criticism or self-loathing, and/or emotions such as guilt, anxiety, and sadness.  At the lower levels of severity, disordered eating can cause emotional distress, social withdrawal, and behavioral challenges.  At the higher end of severity, eating disorders, including Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder, and others, can pose risks of serious, often permanent health problems and death.

Useful information on disordered eating and eating disorders is available at:

           National Eating Disorders Association (

           American Psychiatric Association (

           Mayo Clinic (

A confidential evaluation can be obtained from a physician and/or a mental health professional.  It is fine to seek evaluation by either route.  Depending on the results of the evaluation, further assessment and/or treatment may be recommended. 

Treatment of Disordered Eating and Eating Disorders

There is support for eating disorders and recovery is possible!  Treatment for eating disorders, disordered eating habbits, and body-image concerns varies, ranging from nutritional counseling to psychotherapy to medical care, or may be a combination of all three.  The type of treatment recommended will depend on the student’s symptoms, context, and wishes.  The best treatment takes into account psychological, interpersonal, sociocultural, familial, physiological, nutritional, and social justice factors related to eating disorders.

Because eating disorders and disordered eating have both physical and psychological components and effects, a coordinated, “multidisciplinary” approach to treatment is often the best.  Multidisciplinary treatment involves two or more forms of treatment which are tailored to be most effective for the student’s specific needs.  The student and multidisciplinary team of treatment providers collaborate over the course of treatment to identify the student’s goals, treatment options, treatment plan, progress, and conclusion of treatment.  The student authorizes treatment team members to communicate about them; otherwise, treatment team members maintain confidentiality (see definition below) regarding the student’s care.  Depending on the student’s particular needs, multidisciplinary treatment might include:

           Mental health, medical, and/or psychiatric care;

           Nutritional counseling; 

           Collaboration with athletic trainers and/or coaches; and/or

           Additional treatments such as structured treatment programs, as appropriate

Treating an eating disorder or disordered eating is important and, for many people, can feel challenging.  College staff members are available and happy to support and assist students in obtaining and coordinating their treatment.  These include all SHAW counselors and nurses; all Student Affairs professional staff members; Associate Dean of Wellness & Prevention, and all professional staff at the CRSSJ.  Students are encouraged to seek assistance from the College staff member(s) with whom they feel most comfortable.


Legal adults have a right to confidentiality in health and mental health care.  If a student is still a minor (i.e., not yet 18 years old), their parents or other legal guardians have the right to be informed regarding health and mental health care received by the student.  Additionally, regardless of the student’s age, if their eating disorder is so severe that they are at imminent risk of harm either medically or due to psychological concerns, treatment professionals may break confidentiality to access appropriate treatment for the student.  Breaking confidentiality is rare and is always a choice of last resort; every effort is made to plan and access treatment collaboratively.

A variety of assessment and treatment resources are available on and off campus:

  • Referrals can be accessed through a variety of methods. SHAW is able to offer assistance finding and connecting with medical and mental providers. SHAW offers timely referral appointments. For students who do not wish to come into the office, they can also complete an online referral form via the SHAW website. In addition to SHAW, students can ask for referral support from Student Affairs staff members, RLCs, CAs, athletic trainers, coaches, advisors,other faculty members, peer mentors, and loved ones. Further, students can find providers through online databases such as Psychology Today or by contacting their insurance provider. Similarly students can find providers through Thriving Campus, an easy-to-use directory for Grinnell students (
  • Evaluation can be provided by therapists and health providers at Student Health and Wellness (SHAW, x3230) and by therapists and physicians in the community.
  • Time-limited (brief) therapy or help connecting to more intensive treatment and care is available at SHAW and through HealthiestYou.
  • Open-ended or Longer-term specialized treatment is available from therapists and agencies in the community and surrounding areas. 
  • Medical care is available from physicians in the community and surrounding areas.
  • Psychiatric care - Mental health prescribers are available through tele-psych services at SHAW, HealthiestYou, and from limited psychiatric providers in the community.
  • Nutritional counseling is available regionally.

 Helping Others

Anyone who is concerned that a student may have an eating disorder or disordered eating is encouraged to reach out to the student and try to connect them with support and resources.  It is important for students to obtain appropriate treatment in order to protect and enhance their emotional, cognitive, and physical wellbeing.  There are many people on campus who can help students who have disordered eating or eating disorders, and who can help you to assist students who struggle with these issues:

      •     Athletic Trainers                                   •     Community Advisors 

      •     CRSSJ staff                                               Student Affairs staff

      •     SHAW counselors                                  •     Residence Life Coordinators                                  

           SHAW nurses/PA                                        Associate Dean of Wellness & Prevention

For assistance on how to help someone who may have disordered eating or an eating disorder, call SHAW at x3230.  The NEDA Helpline (1-800-931-2237) is a national hotline which can also provide support, guidance, and outline treatment options for yourself or a loved one who is struggling with an eating disorder. 

Eating Disorder Protocol

In rare cases, a student’s untreated or under-treated eating disorder can be so severe that the student’s health is at serious risk and/or their symptoms disrupt the campus community. In such situations, the student will be required to meet with the Dean of Students (or designee), who may require additional follow-up.

Common next steps would include: The student will be required to have eating disorder evaluations conducted by a mental health professional and by a physician. The student might be given recommendations including, but not limited to, continuing medical treatment; engaging in psychotherapy; consulting with a psychiatrist; working with a dietician or nutritionist; gaining weight to achieve health benchmarks (i.e., heart function, bone density, etc.); reducing or abstaining from exercise, athletic practices, and/or competitions; and/or attending an intensive outpatient program, intensive outpatient/partial hospitalization, or residential/inpatient (hospitalization) treatment.  The student would be required to authorize communicaton and collaboration amoung the Dean of Students ( or designee) and all those involved in the student’s treatment.

The first priority of the College is the safety and wellbeing of all students.  If (a) the student’s health continues to be at serious risk; (b) the student’s symptoms continue to disrupt the community; and/or (c) the student otherwise violates College policy, College officials may place conditions on the student’s eligibility for continued enrollment and/or residency. These conditions may include written behavioral expectations, medical leave of absence, and/or interim suspension.

The Athletics Department has an additional eating disorder protocol for student athletes.

Author: Eating Disorder Task Force


  • to provide outreach, education, and awareness to risks associated with eating disorders and disordered eating;
  • to provide support/resources/referrals to those affected by eating disorders, disordered eating, and body-image concerns
  • to highlight and address systemic factors such as fat phobia, racism, transphobia, marginalization, and narrow representations of appearances and body sizes/shapes that are connected to our relationships with our bodies and food

Electronic Devices

Cellular phones, pagers and other devices shall not be used in a manner that causes disruption in the classroom or associated learning spaces, library or within any college-owned or college-operated facilities. This includes abuse of cellular devices with photographic capability. Utilizing these devices for the purposes of photographing test questions, accessing restricted information during an exam, or other forms of academic misconduct or illegal activity is prohibited, as is photographing individuals in secured areas such as lavatories or locker rooms. Iowa Law also prohibits people from taking pictures of other individuals for sexual gratification.

Author: Dean of the College


  • to enhance the learning environment by reducing noise pollution from electronic devices;
  • to preserve academic integrity;
  • to be respectful of each other both in and out of the classroom.

Eligibility for Student Leadership and/or Safety-Related Student Employment

Student employees who serve in positions of leadership or in a safety-related role on campus must be in good conduct and academic standing (i.e., not on Conduct Probation) to be eligible for these positions.  A student who is on Conduct Probation at the time of application for a leadership or safety-related role, or who is placed on Conduct Probation at any time the student holds a leadership or safety-related role, does not hold good conduct status.  Leadership positions include but are not limited to any role in Student Government Association (SGA), student senators, Student Athlete Mentors (SAMs), etc. Safety-related campus roles include but are not limited to: Community Advisers (CAs), Judicial Council (JudCo), and any student employees hired by Campus Safety (e.g., escorts, building monitors, parking monitors, etc.). Grinnell College Student Advocates also must be in good conduct standing. If a student in a leadership or safety-related role is placed on Conduct Probation after they are elected, appointed, placed, or hired, the student is responsible for resigning from their position, and the Dean of Students (or designee) will ensure the student’s supervisor is informed of this policy. Medical Amnesty would still apply for these critical positions in helping roles.

Author: Dean of Students


  • to maintain congruence between the values of the position and the behavior of the employees;
  • to ensure all students feel comfortable utilizing safety-related student employees in times of need.

Emotional Support and Service Animals

Grinnell College is committed to supporting the needs of individuals with disabilities who may require a Service Animal, Service Animal in training, or Emotional Support Animal in order to have full and equitable access to the Grinnell College campus environment and experience. Service and Emotional Support Animals can play an important role in facilitating the independence of an individual or mitigating functional impacts of certain types of disabilities. Because Grinnell College values the safety, health, and well-being of students, faculty, staff, visitors, and the Service or Emotional Support Animal, these guidelines will be considered when considering a Service or Emotional Support Animal access to areas of campus where animals that serve as pets only, would not typically be permitted.

Note: an updated version of policy and guideline documents for Service Animals on campus and Animals as Accomodations in Campus Housing are currently under review. 

Author: Disability Resources


  • to clearly outline the requirements for animals as an accommodation in College-owned residence halls and houses;
  • to meet the needs of individuals with disabilities;
  • to protect the safety and welfare of animals

Expectations for Student-Athletes

Because participation on a varsity athletic team is a co-curricular experience, both an academic credit-bearing and an opportunity to participate in a group activity, appropriate student conduct and behavior is of highest priority.  In the event that a student-athlete violates College policy and/or inappropriately represents the team or the College, a range of outcomes which include suspension from participation or removal of the co-curricular opportunity may occur.

Principally, the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee encourages adherence to these tenants:

  • Represent our teams, the athletic department and the larger Grinnell community with honor and integrity.
  • Commit to academic excellence.
  • Make positive and responsible choices with respect to personal health and wellness, and support the positive and responsible choices of others. 
  • Respect and encourage the academic, athletic, and personal commitments of others.
  • Actively contribute to a culture of inclusive excellence.

Additionally, coaches and sport programs may have supplementary policies which will be communicated to the student-athletes with the expectation of providing a safe and productive student-athlete experience.

Author: Athletic Director, Vice President for Student Affairs, Dean of Students


  • to detail the expectations for student-athletes as representatives of their team and the College;
  • to delineate possible outcomes should those expectations not be met.

Financial Aid Policies

Consumer Information

Please review Grinnell’s consumer information webpage for information on rights and responsibilities of students, graduation rates, annual security report, and other useful material.

Electronic Communications

The Office of Financial Aid generally communicates electronically with students, beginning as early as the point of application. The student is responsible for monitoring email account(s) and responding promptly. If you wish to receive paper communications, you must notify us in writing.

Grinnell College uses an online system to allow students to view notifications of financial aid eligibility and required documents. Applicants for admission view this information through the admission applicant portal. For admitted, deposited and current students, this information is accessed via the online financial aid office. Login credentials are provided upon admission.

Federal Verification

The U.S. Department of Education or Grinnell College may select your FAFSA for a process called verification. You will be notified of the requirements if you enroll at Grinnell. You may also view general requirements on our federal verification webpage.

If selected, verification must be completed before any funds (federal, state, institutional) will be applied to your student account. Delays beyond the start of classes may result in interest charges on unpaid balances, even if pending aid will cover the balance.

Renewal of Aid and Grinnell’s Four-Year Commitment

While Grinnell is committed to providing a consistent aid package for up to eight semesters, need-based aid is renewed on an annual basis and is not automatic for domestic students. Students will receive guidance in the fall detailing the renewal process. The deadline for returning students is typically April 1.

If comparable need is demonstrated from year to year, financial aid will remain similar from year to year.  Changes to the family contribution are considered when families experience a significant change in financial circumstances. An increase to the family contribution and corresponding decrease to financial aid occurs when the family experiences a large increase to income (more than inflationary) or a decrease to the number of dependents enrolled full time in an undergraduate program.

Financial aid for international students is automatically renewed annually, and students are notified in the spring of their financial aid eligibility for the upcoming year.  The cost of attendance generally increases each year.  For students receiving need-based aid, the increase is partially covered by additional financial aid from Grinnell College and partially covered by the student.  As such, the student’s family contribution will increase slightly each year.

Non-Need Based (Merit) Scholarships

Non-need-based scholarships are awarded based upon academic and extra-curricular achievement (excluding athletics). These scholarships are available for eight full-time semesters. Recipients of merit-based scholarships must maintain at least a 2.75 GPA to remain eligible. Recipients failing to meet this requirement may lose their scholarship until the GPA requirement is met. GPA evaluations occur after the posting of spring semester grades.

Outside Scholarships and Benefits

According to federal regulations, students must notify the Office of Financial Aid of any outside scholarships and benefits they receive. If the student receives need-based financial aid, outside scholarships and benefits are treated as follows: 

  • Employer benefits that repeat annually may replace student employment and the standard student summer earnings expectation, which typically total $5,500 for first-year students and $5,650 for returning and transfer students. Any benefit amount above and beyond these work expectations reduces institutional need-based grant. 

  • Outside scholarships earned by the student and veteran and vocational rehabilitation benefits typically do not reduce institutional need-based grant unless total financial aid exceeds the cost of attendance. 

In no instance can financial aid from all sources exceed the total cost of attendance. 

On rare occasions, an outside scholarship provider’s requirements or federal aid may cause a reduction outside of Grinnell’s regular policy.  Please find more information on the scholarships and grants webpage.

Reconsideration Requests

The reconsideration request process is available to students who have special circumstances. If your or your family’s financial circumstances have changed significantly since you applied for financial aid, or if you or your family have circumstances that were not presented in the original aid application, you may want to submit a reconsideration request. All requests will be reviewed but may not result in an adjustment.  Approved adjustments may be for the current school year or may not take effect until the following school year. Examples of special circumstances include unemployment or pay reductions that are ongoing and unusually high out-of-pocket medical expenses. Requests for reconsideration must be made using the Reconsideration Request Form.

Merit scholarships are determined at the time of admission and cannot be appealed. 

If you have unusual circumstances, including but not limited to being unable to contact your parent(s) or if doing so poses a risk, please email the Office of Financial Aid with a brief description of your circumstances so we can provide further guidance. 

You may also appeal for an adjustment to the cost of attendance by emailing the Office of Financial Aid with your request and submitting appropriate documentation. A successful appeal does not mean that Grinnell will provide additional grants. Examples of reasons to appeal for a cost of attendance adjustment include a personal computer purchase, dependent care, or additional tuition fees for enrolling in more than 18 credits per semester. You can find more information on the cost of attendance webpage. 

Crediting Aid to Your Student Account

Students who have accepted their financial aid via the online financial aid office and have completed all required financial aid requirements will have their aid credited to their student account. Generally, all aid, except student employment, is applied as follows: 50 percent fall term and 50 percent spring term. Students who incur uneven charges (such as those participating in off-campus study) may have disbursements adjusted that reflect the differing costs of each semester.

Because student employment must be earned by working, it will never appear as a credit on the student account before the start of the semester. Students choose whether to credit their earnings to their student account as they are paid, to have them direct deposited to a bank account, or a combination of the two. 

The Office of Student Accounts bills for the fall semester in June and for the spring semester in November. Visit the Office of Student Accounts website for more information. 

Off-Campus Study (OCS)

Students may receive financial aid for one Grinnell-approved off-campus study program. Need-based financial aid is adjusted based on the progam cost. Loans may be offered for some programs that are more expensive than the cost of being on campus. Merit scholarships can be used for off-campus study but do not change based on the cost of the program. Some tuition remission/exchange benefits may apply only to Grinnell-in-London. Details regarding financial aid policies can be found on our off-campus study web page.

Verification of Sibling Enrollment

When need-based financial aid is provided based on the student’s sibling(s) being enrolled in an undergraduate program, Grinnell College reserves the right to request documentation of that enrollment from the sibling’s school. If documentation is not provided, financial aid may be adjusted.

Federal and State Financial Aid

It is the student’s responsibility to apply for federal and state financial aid, and to privide the Office of Financial Aid with requested documentation. Grinnell will not replace federal or state aid that is lost because of failure to apply by the deadline.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

Students must make progress toward graduation to continue receiving financial aid. Grinnell College SAP standards measure a student’s academic performance qualitatively and quantitatively. The Office of Financial Aid is responsible for ensuring that students are meeting these minimum standards.  Grinnell’s complete SAP policy may be reviewed on the consumer information webpage.

Federal and Institutional Work-Study Programs

A variety of work-study (federal and institutional) positions are available on and off campus. The student is responsible for finding suitable employment opportunities that fit their needs, areas of interest, and academic schedule. Resources, including job postings via Handshake and the Student Employment Office, are available to assist students in their search. Once a job is secured, students must complete an I-9 form, W-4 form, and a direct deposit authorization before working.

If Federal Work-Study is part of a student’s financial aid, this is not a guarantee of employment.  Students applying for a job late in the hiring season may not find a suitable position to take advantage of the work-study program.

Federal Direct Student Loans

Students who borrow federal loans must complete Entrance Counseling and sign a Master Promissory Note at To maintain eligibility, recipients must be enrolled at least half time, be making satisfactory academic progress, and meet all regulations that are required to receive a federal loan.

Iowa Tuition Grant Recipients

If available state funds are insufficient to pay the full amount of each approved grant, the Iowa Department of Education has the authority to administratively reduce the grant. If your Iowa Tuition Grant is reduced and you receive institutional need-based financial aid, Grinnell will provide institutional grant to make up for the shortfall.

Impacts of Illegal Drugs on Financial Aid Eligibility

Under the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, federal and state judges can deny a student federal student aid because of a drug trafficking or possession conviction. The student should call 202-377-4600 or email to address the issue if their FAFSA is rejected.

Withholding Aid

In some circumstances the Office of Financial Aid may be required to withhold student financial aid. The Office of Financial Aid will contact the student if this situation occurs. Examples include:

  • default on a Federal Perkins Loan, Federal Family Educational Loan, or Federal Direct Loan;
  • repayment owed on any previous financial aid;
  • documentation of citizenship;
  • any other circumstances that preclude aid from being finalized.

Departments of Veterans Affairs and Defense

Veterans, spouses, and dependents of veterans may be eligible for education benefits through numerous GI Bill® programs. Contact the VA directly at 1-888-442-4551 or visit the GI Bill® website to determine if you are eligible for a benefit. The GI Bill® Comparison Tool provides information about college affordability and brings together information from multiple online sources and federal agencies, including the number of students receiving VA education benefits at each school. Grinnell participates in the Yellow Ribbon Program of the Post-9/11 GI Bill® and encourages veterans and their families to explore the resources on our website detailing institutional, state, federal, and veteran financial aid programs for which you may be eligible.

Full-Time Enrollment

Unless otherwise noted, financial aid eligibility is based on full-time enrollment. Students enrolling in fewer than 12 credits per semester may have federal and state financial aid adjusted according to relevant federal and state regulations. Because students are charged tuition and fees based on full-time enrollment, Grinnell’s institutional aid is not adjusted. Students considering a less-than-full-time course load should consider how their registration patterns could affect on-time graduation. Grinnell offers no more than eight semesters of institutional aid (prorated for transfer students).

Failure to Achieve Any Passing Grades in a Single Semester

At the end of each semester, any students who received all Fs will be evaluated to determine if there was an unofficial withdrawal during the semester. Professors are asked to indicate whether the F was earned or due to a student’s failure to attend (quit attending). If at least one F was earned, the student is considered to have completed the semester. If all Fs are for failure to attend (quit attending), the student will be considered an unofficial withdrawal. If the professors had indicated a last date of attendance when the F grade was reported, the College will use that as the date of withdrawal. If the College cannot document a last day of attendance, the 50% point of the semester will be used as the last date of attendance. Depending on the last date of attendance, federal funds may need to be returned to the Department of Education based on a prescribed federal refund calculation.

Finalizing Estimated Financial Aid (First-Year Students)

Estimated notifications of financial aid eligibility may be determined based on an incomplete financial aid application. Upon deposit, if you have an estimated notification of financial aid eligibility, Grinnell will request and review outstanding requirements, which may include the final parent federal tax return, parent W-2s, CSS Profile, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), or other documents, to finalize estimated financial aid. Estimated grant totals typically do not change if actual information is similar to your family’s initial estimates.

Independent Status

Students considering applying for aid as independent are encouraged to contact the Office of Financial Aid before completing their applications. Students entering Grinnell as dependent students will remain so for institutional financial aid purposes regardless of age or marital status.

Author: Office of Financial Aid


  • to inform students of the student financial aid process, deadlines, policies, and resources.

Guest Policy

A guest of Grinnell College is defined as any non-Grinnell College student visitor who stays on campus overnight or attends a college event not open to the public. Members of the campus community who sponsor guests must accept full responsibility for their behavior. All guests (regardless of age) must be escorted by a currently-enrolled Grinnell College student at all times. A student may host up to four guests at one time. Guests may not stay overnight more than eight nights per semester, unless approved by the Associate Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students. Students who wish to have guests stay in college-owned housing must check with their roommates for approval. Students must register their guests with Campus Safety.

Grinnell students who have not yet departed for their study abroad experience, or who have returned from their study abroad experience are considered not enrolled on our home campus and are not permitted to reside on campus.

Guests under the age of 18 years old are not allowed in the residence halls, campus parties, Joe Rosenfield ‘25 Center, or Harris Center (except for events open to the general public in the Joe Rosenfield ‘25 Center and Harris Center) without the approval of the Associate Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students. Guests under the age of 18 years old are not allowed to stay overnight in residence halls unless authorized by the Associate Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students.

Prospective students must be registered with the Office of Admission.

Guest Registration Card/Pass

Campus Safety issues guest passes to students’ guests. Guests must show a valid photo ID that includes the guest’s birth date. The Division of Student Affairs issues guest passes for guests under the age of 18. These passes require a dean’s signature and must be obtained Monday through Friday, 8:00 am -5:00 pm.

The guest pass serves as a campus ID for the guest. Guests are required to carry their guest pass with them at all times while on campus. Guests may be asked to show both their guest pass and another form of identification in order to attend a college event not open to the public. At events where alcohol is served, the guest must show a picture identification, such as a valid driver’s license, showing they are 21 years or older in order to be served alcohol. Any guests under 18 years of age (including prospective students) are not allowed to attend any event where alcohol is served.

Guests may be asked to leave campus at any time by any Student Affairs staff member. Guests are required to show their guest passes when asked, and must follow campus regulations and policies. Unregistered overnight guests may be asked to leave campus.

Grinnell College students are not considered guests. In the event of a lost student I.D., the Grinnell College student must show a valid, government issued photo identification which will be cross referenced by staff (e.g., Harris staff, ACES Security) prior to gaining entrance into the event.

Author: Campus Safety, Dean of Students


  • to ensure the safety of Grinnell community members and their guests;
  • to provide guidelines for appropriate use of a Guest Registration Card/Pass.

Harassment, Threats, Disruption to Community

Harassment is conduct that has the effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment for others, interfering with the academic performance or co-curricular activity of a student, or the work performance of a faculty or staff member. Harassment, threats, and/or intimidation towards fellow students, staff, faculty, and/or community members will not be tolerated.  Complaints under this category may include:

  1. Conduct that threatens the health or safety of a person or persons at the College;
  2. Conduct that damages or threatens to damage property of the College or property owned by person or persons at the College;
  3. Conduct that substantially disrupts or threatens to substantially disrupt a person’s or persons’ right of access to the academic program and/or disrupts other students’ ability to engage in customary functions and activities in the academic or residential communities.

Students in violation of this policy may be referred to the Conduct Process or to the process outlined in the Involuntary Leave Policy.  Sanctions for such harassment, threats, disruption to the community range from warning to dismissal from the College.

Any retaliation or retribution directed against an individual with a complaint of harassment, sexual or otherwise, will be treated as a separate act of harassment and, if proven, may result in sanctions up to and including expulsion from the College.

The College does not, however, require individuals who believe they have been subjected to discrimination or harassment to resolve the matter on their own. Students have the right to use the grievance procedures outlined in the Conduct Processes  section of this on-line Student Handbook or to file charges with the College Hearing Board for complaints regarding any form of discrimination or harassment. The College regards all forms of discrimination or harassment as serious offenses.

A violation of this policy could result in suspension

Author: Campus Safety, Dean of Students


  • to create an environment free from harassment or intimidation;
  • to provide resources to those who feel harassed;
  • to inform students of possible responses to such acts.

Harm to Others

Actions that cause physical harm to another person or are psychological or verbally abusive.

  1. Physical Harm: Actions that causes physical injury and/or physically assaults another individual.
  2. Psychological Harm: Conduct that causes psychological harm and/or behavior that is psychologically abusive.
  3. Verbal Abuse: Verbal, written, graphic, or electronic communication that would cause a reasonable person to feel threatened, intimidated, or harassed.

Hate Crimes and Bias-Motivated Incidents Policy

Statement of Purpose

This Protocol serves three purposes. First, it outlines options available for targeted individuals and groups to report bias-motivated incidents and/or hate crimes. Second, this protocol describes the general procedures for acting upon the reports. And, third, it recognizes and validates the importance of the Grinnell College Nondiscrimination Policy that the College “does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, national origin, age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, veteran status, pregnancy, childbirth, religion, disability, creed or any other protected class.” 

The Protocol applies when students are the targets. Faculty members who have been the target of a bias-motivated action and/or hate crime should contact the Dean of the College. Staff members should contact Human Resources.

Why do bias-motivated actions and hate crimes require a special protocol? While the College does not condone any sort of bigotry, bias-motivated actions and hate crimes are particularly destructive because they threaten the safety of anyone who shares the identifying or perceived characteristics of the individual or group specifically targeted—regardless of the relationship to the actual target. Bias-motivated actions and hate crimes erode the sense of community required to learn actively and cooperatively.


This protocol provides direction for how to react to two types of events. In this protocol we refer both to a hate crime, which is a criminal act that is committed against a protected class, and to a bias-motivated incident, which is an expression of hostility toward, a person, group, or property thereof because of such person’s (or group’s) identifying or perceived race, color, ethnicity, national origin, age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, veteran status, pregnancy, childbirth, religion, disability or creed. The distinction between the two types of acts is critical because while Campus Safety and other College personnel can label an act a bias-motivated incident, hate crimes are defined by law. While all hate crimes are bias-motivated events, not all bias-motivated events fit the legal definition of a hate crime,

Members of the Response Team include the Chief Diversity Officer, the Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, the Director of Intercultural Affairs and appointed additional staff as needed and appropriate.

 Confidentiality and Privacy Statement


Efforts will be made to protect the privacy of the reporter and targeted individual(s) or group(s) of a hate crime or bias-motivated incident. Any responding College employee will strive to maintain the level of privacy requested by the reporting party, and the targeted individual(s) or group(s) will be included in conversations about what information is shared, and with whom, and at what times. Targeted individuals may self-identify or remain anonymous. Anonymous reporting may, however, impact the College’s ability to respond or pursue appropriate action against the alleged perpetrators.

Discretion will be used at all times when sharing information about the incident(s); names and any identifying characteristics of the reporting party will be removed from any public communication unless approved by the reporting or targeted party. In general, summary information such as the nature and location of the incident, may be shared in the form of safety announcements, incident reports, or end of year reports and as required by law.


Three resources on campus are confidential to the fullest extent permitted by law. These resources are legally prohibited from sharing this information with anyone, including other College employees unless they fear that the reporting party is a danger to themselves or to others. These resources can provide information about formalized reporting options, should the targeted individual(s) choose to move forward with that process. These confidential resources are:

Student Health and Wellness, 641-269-3230, 

College Chaplains, 641-269-4981,

Ombuds, 641-269-4981,

Reporting an Incident

Students who have been affected by an incident can seek support from the three confidential resources listed above.  Students may also seek support from any trusted member of the staff or faculty who are non-confidential resources that may be required to report the incident. 

When non-confidential staff or faculty become aware of an incident of this nature, they should follow the reporting instructions listed below.

Where to Report

In an emergency situation, contact Campus Safety (1432 East Street, 641-269-4600) or call 911 immediately.

In non-emergency situations, a report can be filed by completing the Report A Bias Incident form or by calling 641-269-3700 to speak with a member of the Response Team during normal business hours.

If a situation is urgent and outside of normal business hours, Campus Safety can connect a reporter with the Residence Life Coordinator or Dean on-call, who can respond quickly and work directly with the targeted student(s) or group(s).  Campus Safety may also notify additional members of the response team.

Grinnell College students always have the right, but are not required, to file a report with the Grinnell Police Department.  Their offices are located at 1020 Spring Street, 641-236-2670.

What to Report

When reporting an incident, documentation is very helpful when it is appropriate, available and relevant. Immediate documentation while an incident is fresh is recommended whenever possible. Details may include a description or summary of the incident, the date, time, location, and names of people involved or witnesses to the incident and their contact information when available, and any other pertinent information that may assist the Response Team.

Depending on the nature of the incident, please keep the following in mind as applicable:

  1. Do not erase or remove graffiti, vandalism or public postings. Take a photo to include in a report and contact Campus Safety who will also photograph, document, investigate and arrange for removal.
  2. If the incident was verbal, please try to write down verbatim what was said.
  3. If the incident is in the form of e-mail, keep the email in your in-box. Do not delete, alter, or forward the message.
  4. If the incident occurred on social media, take screen shots immediately whenever possible.
  5. If the incident is in the form of a telephone call, do not engage in or encourage conversation. Please try to write down verbatim what was said by all parties.


After a Report is Filed

Immediately following an online report of a hate crime/bias incident, a reporter will receive a confirmation email that details information about next steps, which will include contact information and an offer of support by a member of the Response Team. Then, follow-up will occur with the targeted individual(s) or group(s) to discuss the incident, collect more information and review potential actions for response.

Notifying our Community

When appropriate, it may be necessary to notify our community about a hate crime or bias-motivated incident. Depending on the situation, this notification may include: community-wide opportunities for support and advocacy, general information about the incident itself, such as the nature or location of the incident, relevant policy reminders and safety announcements.

Community Response and Immediate Service

Unfortunately, some hate crimes and bias motivated events have a significant impact on our entire College community. When the Response Team determines it is appropriate, a community wide response may be necessary. Community-wide responses have included, but are not limited to: immediate availability of special counseling sessions, candlelight vigils, rallies, mediation or facilitated dialogues, on-campus forums, community conversations or “teach-ins”, and external speakers or trainers with relevant areas of expertise. The responses and resources will be coordinated, tailored and mobilized by the Response Team and appropriate administrators.

Outcomes and Evaluations

Campus Conduct Charges

If the College’s investigation indicates that the alleged perpetrator(s) are Grinnell College students, the case may be brought to the College Hearing Board. For full information about the student conduct process, please visit the Conduct Process section within this Student Handbook. Since these behaviors are not reflective of our Community Standards, student(s) found responsible for bias-related charges may face outcomes up to and including suspension, dismissal or degree withdrawal.

Criminal Charges

If an investigation leads to a legal designation of the incident as a hate crime, affected parties have the right to file criminal and/or civil charges.

Preserving institutional memory and data tracking

The Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and the Chief Diversity Officer, as the leader of the Response Team, will create and maintain an official and confidential record of submitted reports, including supporting documentation (such as photographs, screenshots or written statements) and a written description of actions taken, including a copy of any announcements distributed to the campus community or records of public meetings.  This official and confidential record will be used to create and maintain a permanent, de-identified and publicly available record of hate crimes and bias motivated incidents and the nature of each response. This record will be used to identify patterns of concern, opportunities for professional development, and areas for intervention. This record will not include identifying information to maintain the privacy and safety of the targeted individual(s) or group(s). 

Education and Prevention

In order to sustain a more diverse, equitable and welcoming community where hate crimes and bias-motivated incidents are not tolerated, Grinnell College will provide regular training for faculty, staff, and students about this policy and best practices for promoting a diverse and inclusive campus community.

Evaluating our response

As bias-motivated incidents and hate-crimes are directed at individuals, groups and the campus community, the College seeks to prevent these events when possible and respond quickly and effectively when they do occur. Toward these goals, the Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and Chief Diversity Officer will review annually, assess, and revise this policy and  response protocol as necessary with the goal of improving institutional response processes.

Author: Chief Diversity Officer & Director of Intercultural Affairs


  • to create an environment free from hate crimes and bias-motivated incidents;
  • to provide resources to those targeted based on their perceived or actual social identities;
  • to inform Grinnell College community members of possible responses to such acts.

Immigration Status

Grinnell College celebrates a long tradition of enrolling international students and Exchange Visitors from around the globe, and we know that citizenship and immigration status can impact access to a variety of services and opportunities.

The Office of International Student Affairs (OISA) is responsible for Grinnell’s compliance with the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) and we help F and J visa holders understand their legal rights and obligations to maintain lawful status.

Most international students hold an F-1 visa, and we also enroll students in other statuses. OISA staff are fluent in F and J visa issues, and familiar with many of the nuances that students encounter when they don’t hold U.S. citizenship or permanent resident status. Please visit us on the first floor of the HSSC, and your questions will be treated with respect and privacy. If your regulatory needs exceed our purview or expertise, we will encourage you to pursue legal counsel at your own expense. The OISA can help to offer referrals for students who need additional, more specialized assistance.

  • Karen Edwards, Dean for International Student Affairs, PDSO/RO
  • Brenda Strong, Associate Director for International Student Compliance, DSO/ARO
  • Emily Perry, Assistant Director for International Student Programs, DSO

Joe Rosenfield ‘25 Center and Harris Center Policies and Guidelines

  1. Individuals or groups wishing to sponsor an event in the Joe Rosenfield ‘25 Center or Harris Center must schedule the event by reserving the appropriate space through the Conference Operations and Events office on the GrinnellShare website. Reservations for these facilities are not allowed when classes are not in session, during breaks or during finals week. The Dean of Student Involvement supervises the Joe Rosenfield ‘25 Center and Harris Center staff.
  2. No smoking, vaping or the chewing of tobacco products is permitted in any Grinnell College building or on any College-owned property.
  3. No alcoholic beverages are permitted in the Joe Rosenfield ‘25 Center or the Harris Center.  Exceptions to this policy is as follows: Shabbat Table and special events catered by the Grinnell College Catering Department. 
  4. When R-rated movies are shown in the Joe Rosenfield ‘25 Center or the Harris Center, minors must be accompanied by a parent or responsible adult.
  5. Animals or pets are not permitted in the Joe Rosenfield ‘25 Center or the Harris Center, except for the use of a service animal to aid those individuals with disabilities.  Under the ADA, a service animal is defined as a dog that has been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability.  All exceptions to this policy must have prior approval at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the date of the event and must meet/satisfy all federal codes/regulations.
  6. Bicycles and vehicles with gas/electric-powered engines/motors (excluding powered wheelchairs) are not permitted in the Joe Rosenfield ‘25 Center or the Harris Center.  Bicycles that are found parked outside of designated bicycle parking areas may be removed and the owner will be billed for the violation.  For more information on the campus bike policy, please visit: Bicycles and Personal Mobility Devices.
  7. The riding of skateboards, rollerblades/skates, and scooters is not permitted in the Joe Rosenfield ‘25 Center or the Harris Center.
  8. Plans to decorate any portion of the Joe Rosenfield ‘25 Center or the Harris Center for any event must be reviewed by and receive prior approval from the Division of Student Affairs.
  9. Furniture may not be moved from one area to another in the Joe Rosenfield ‘25 Center or the Harris Center without prior approval from a staff member from that facility. In the event approval is given, all furniture must be returned to its appropriate place.
  10. Equipment that is specifically designated for use in the Joe Rosenfield ‘25 Center and the Harris Center is not available for use outside of the Joe Rosenfield ‘25 Center or the Harris Center. All equipment remains in its respective facility and is not loaned out for other events.
  11. Anyone who is not a personal guest of a Grinnell College student, faculty, or staff member may be asked to leave the buildings. College identification cards or guest passes may be required to access certain services and programs within the respective facilities.
  12. Students are not permitted in the buildings during the hours that the facilities are designated as being closed. At closing, everyone is expected to leave promptly.
  13. All users and guests of the Joe Rosenfield ‘25 Center and the Harris Center are expected to follow the directions of the Joe Rosenfield ‘25 Center and the Harris Center staff members. 
  14. The use of smoke and fog-producing devices is not permitted in the Joe Rosenfield ‘25 Center or the Harris Center.
  15. Climbing the arch (Harris Center) or climbing up to the roof of any campus building is prohibited.
  16. Students or student groups who intend to purchase activities, services, speakers, or entertainers that require signed contracts/agreements must consult with Student Involvement staff regarding the contract prior to making any commitments.  Students are not authorized to sign contracts/agreements on behalf of the College or any of its student organizations.  Students and student organizations must consult with the Student Involvement staff to have contracts/agreements properly reviewed and signed.  A minimum of five weeks is required for proper processing.  Finances must be secured prior to the signing of all contracts/agreements.
  17. Posters, announcements, flyers and signs to be posted must follow all guidelines noted in the  Marketing and Promotion section of the Student Handbook.  Posting is only permitted in designated areas (Mail Room bulletin board, brick wall outside of Fireplace Lounge, tile wall in front of dining). Posting on non-approved surfaces (i.e. windows, doors, tables/desks, elevators, etc.) will be removed and disposed of without prior notification. All posters/flyers must include an organization or individual’s name and email address.
  18. Any publicly posted, displayed, installed or printed/digital materials as well as products being sold, advertised, or displayed while tabling in any public area of the College must follow the Grinnell College Alcohol Policy, the College’s nondiscrimination policy, the Marketing and Promotion section in the Student Handbook, and federal, state, local, campus, commercial or copyright laws. There shall be no advertising for alcohol or electronic/digital or posters/print material that reference alcohol.  This includes displays of alcohol bottles or other signage/materials in windows or viewable in or from public spaces.
  19. Students and student organizations interested in reserving a spot/table in the Joe Rosenfield Center ‘25 Center main lobby need to reserve a space and time in advance by visiting the Conference Operations and Events GrinnellShare website.  Tabling is not allowed when classes are not in session, during breaks or during finals week.  Priority will be given to those with reservations.  Tabling will be limited to a maximum of ten reservable slots in any two week (14 day) period for any one individual/group/event.
  20. In accordance with the Student Fund-Raising Project policy, any individual/organization approved for tabling and does so with the intention to raise/collect funds must have prior approval from the Development and Alumni Relations office prior to starting any fundraising.  
  21. Personal/Private solicitation is prohibited in and around the Joe Rosenfield ‘25 Center or the Harris Center.  All non-Grinnell College vendors must be officially sponsored by a recognized department/organization of the college and have approval to table.  In most cases, vendors being sponsored by a recognized student organization must have a member of their organization present during tabling.

Author: Dean of Student Involvement


  • to clearly communicate the responsibilities for reserving and utilizing these frequently-used student meeting/event spaces.
  • to provide community organizing/socializing spaces.

Library Policies

Your Responsibility for Library Materials

Library materials that circulate outside the building must be checked out using your Pioneer One Card. You must use your card to check out library materials, including reserve items. You are responsible for all materials checked out to you.  Do not check things out for other people, or to lend what you have borrowed to others. The library will notify you by email when books have been recalled, interlibrary loan materials are ready for pickup, items you have are overdue, and for other library-related matters. Be sure to check your Grinnell email daily. You may view My Library Account online; it will display all library items checked out, with due date information. You may renew most items online. Grinnell College users log in with their network user name and password.

Do not take material out of the library without checking it out. Not only does this inconvenience other patrons by depriving them of its use, it is an act of theft under the Code of Iowa, chapters 714.5 and 808.12. Taking non-checked-out material through the library security gate constitutes theft and the College reserves the right to prosecute offenders under the terms of this law, as well as to deal with violations through the college judicial system.

Access, use, and reproduction of the electronic journals, databases, and other resources made available through the Grinnell College Libraries are governed by contracts or license agreements between the College and publishers or third parties. In many cases, license agreements impose greater restrictions on use than does copyright law, and these terms may limit uses of non-copyrighted material. Members of the Grinnell College community are expected to make reasonable and good faith efforts to comply with the terms of these agreements. For further information, please see License Agreements and Academic Computer Usage Policies (Academic Computer Usage Policy is currently being updated; contact ITS with questions in the meantime).

Bills, Fines, and Blocks

Books checked out from the library are generally due at the end of the current semester. All books checked out will be subject to recall if needed by another user.  You will be notified via email that the loan period of the item will be shortened and the book will be due and subject to overdue fines based on the earlier date. Keeping materials past the due date is inconsiderate and inconveniences other people. The table below shows the fines you will accumulate if you do not return materials on time. Please remember the collection belongs to the college community and needs to be accessible to everyone.

  • All reserve materials: $1.00/hour with a maximum fine $100
  • Interlibrary Loan materials: Patron blocked after non-return of overdue item(s).  $100 replacement fee
  • Recalled materials: $1.00/hour with a maximum fine $100

Should library materials become lost, please let us know as soon as you discover that an item is missing. You keep looking for it and we will too. If it does not show up by the end of the semester, you will need to pay a replacement cost of $90.  The sooner we know the material is missing the better the chance of finding it and avoiding the replacement cost. Unreturned materials will incur replacement, processing, and billing costs. If the materials billed are returned in good condition within the semester, the charges will be reduced. Students may have their circulation privileges BLOCKED if materials are not returned promptly after overdue notices have been sent. They will remain blocked until all overdue items are returned to the library. If necessary, a student who refuses to comply with library policy may incur additional sanctions, including but not limited to restrictions on the use of library services and/or referral for judicial action. If there is an unusual circumstance, talk with the library staff. Contact the Circulation Desk Supervisor at 641-269-3350.

Author: Librarian of the College


  • to enhance the learning environment;
  • to inform students of their responsibilities for library materials;
  • to educate students on library bills, fines, and blocks.

Lost, Unclaimed, and Abandoned Property

The Department of Campus Safety formally receives found or abandoned items on Grinnell College property.  The intent of operating this lost and found service is to provide a centralized location for the intake and release of found or abandoned property.

Intake Process

When an individual engages the Department of Campus Safety with found or abandoned property that they wish to process for intake, all pertinent information will be gathered at the time of intake from the individual turning it in.  The Campus Safety employee coordinating the intake process will properly note, prepare, and stow the found or abandoned property.

Notation of Property

Any found or abandoned property submitted to the Department of Campus Safety will be reviewed.  The property will be cataloged and include a description of the property, identifiable features, noticeable damage to the property, possible ownership, and the location in which the property was found.

Owner Notification

In the event that the Department of Campus Safety can reasonably determine ownership of lost or abandoned property, the owner will be contacted and informed of the disposition of the property and how they can recover it.

Release Process

When an individual engages the Department of Campus Safety to recover found or abandoned property, all pertinent information from the individual receiving the property will be collected at the time of release.  The Campus Safety employee coordinating the release process will properly note, prepare, and release the found or abandoned property to the identified owner.

Property Retention

The Department of Campus Safety stores found or abandoned property for 120 days from the date of intake.  If the property remains unclaimed during this retention period, the Director of Campus Safety or their designee will determine the final disposition of the property at the conclusion of the retention period.  Found or abandoned property may be donated or destroyed following the 120 days property retention period.

Personally Identifiable Property

Found or abandoned property that is unclaimed that is personally identifiable is also subject to the property retention period.  Government issued identification will be surrendered to the appropriate authorities.  Any credit card, membership card, rewards card, etc, will be destroyed in a method that renders the card useless and mitigates the risk of identification theft.


Found or abandoned currency that is unclaimed will be processed appropriately.  Currency amounts recovered per instance that exceed the equivalent value of $50.00 USD will be deposited into the General College Fund at the Cashier’s Office.  Currency amounts recovered per instance that are less than the equivalent value of $50.00 USD will be deposited into the Campus Safety cash lockbox for change making purposes for point of sale operations.  The individual who turned in the found or abandoned currency is entitled to ten percent of the currency value per Iowa Code §556F.13 if the currency is left unclaimed and the property retention period has lapsed.

High Value Property

Found or abandoned property that is unclaimed and deemed to be of high value by the Director of Campus Safety or their designee may be donated to an appropriate on-campus, non-profit, or governmental organization beneficiary.  Department of Campus Safety employees, student employees, or their family members are ineligible beneficiaries of high value property.  In the event that an appropriate beneficiary is not able to be identified, the high value property item will be destroyed.

Location, Contact Information and Hours of Operations

Mears Cottage

1213 6th Avenue

(641) 269-4600

The Department of Campus Safety is open all day, every day for the intake and release of found or abandoned property.

Author: Campus Safety


  • to inform Grinnell College community members of how and where to claim lost items;
  • to inform Grinnell College community members when items may be donated, sold, or discarded.

Marketing and Promotion

Guidelines for posters, signage, digital communication, and other forms of marketing on campus

Marketing and promotional materials for events, programs, services, and other college-sponsored activities must adhere to the expectations detailed within this policy, as well as, any other relevant college policies and federal, state, and local laws. This includes marketing and promotion that occurs in print or display form, through in-person tabling, and via electronic communication.

Prior to engaging in any marketing and promotion, please be sure that you have reserved the appropriate space/resources via 25-live and received the necessary funding and event approval as outlined in the Student Organization Handbook. When creating your marketing materials, please include critical information, including but limited to: event name, date, location, start/end time, brief description, and sponsoring organizations. All materials must include the name of sponsoring organizations and/or a contact email.

Posted materials should be treated with respect and only be removed or obscured if the event has passed. Tampering or damaging marketing and promotional materials is a violation of this policy and possibly other campus policies.

Marketing and promotional materials cannot make reference to the use, possession, or distribution of alcohol or other drugs or display imagery of alcohol or other drugs. Profanity is also not permitted.

Marketing and promotion cannot use imagery that violates copyright law or fails to adhere to citation guidelines for imagery use. Additionally, marketing cannot promote an event that violates copyright law (i.e., hosting a public viewing of a movie or television show without purchasing the viewing rights or adhering to the copyright guidelines for educational use).

Chalking is allowed on sidewalks but not on buildings and walls. Marketing materials can be posted in the JRC on the brick wall outside the Fireplace Lounge and dining hall and on the mailroom bulletin board without prior approval.  Other spaces such as academic bulletin boards require approval of the building supervisor. Materials placed in areas outside of these designated locations (e.g., windows, doors, on pillars, on tables/desks, elevators, taped to glass in loggia or in residence hall vestibules) will be removed by College staff.

Electronic communication via the all student listserv ( will be reviewed in advance by Student Involvement staff to ensure adherence to this policy and will only be distributed during normal business hours (M-F, 8a-5p).

Author: Dean of Students


  • to ensure effective means of communication and marketing;
  • to reduce littering;
  • to be compliant with campus policy and/or local, state, federal laws. 


Grinnell Dining’s mission is to provide hospitality services that exceed the needs of our customers, through service and quality products, in an ethical and responsible manner, in support of the overall mission of the College.

Individual meal plan options are determined by class standing and housing status.  First year students are required to participate in meal plan one (1). Returning students have other options, based on housing status.  Students living in the residence halls choose between Meal Plans One (1) or Two (2).  Students living in Renfrow-Smith Hall, Cowles Apartments, theme houses, language houses, co-op houses, other campus houses or who live off-campus can choose to participate in Meal Plan One (1), Two (2), or Three (3). 

Respecting Others

In order to respect the rights and beliefs of all students, the Marketplace is considered “neutral ground” and is to be maintained free of political and/or social cause demonstrations, or dissemination of extraneous information.

Students are expected to be respectful of everyone and the policies of Grinnell Dining. Abuse of the policies may result in disciplinary action.

Admission to the Marketplace

Students on a meal plan must present their Pioneer One-Card or “P-Card” (campus photo identification card) to redeem a meal from their dining plan. Dining plans are non-transferable (with the exception of guest meals) thus you are not able to give a meal to someone else or allow someone to use your P-Card to eat a meal from your meal plan. The Marketplace, The Spencer Grill, and Global Cafe (located in the Humanities, Social Sciences Complex [HSSC]) accept Dining Dollars, Campus Cash on account (P-Card must be presented), cash, checks, and major credit cards. A lost or stolen P-Card should be reported immediately by assessing your GET Account, logging in and following instructions.  Lost cards can also be reported to the Pioneer One-Card Office (Dining Services) in the Joe Rosenfield ‘25 Center. Replacement P-Cards are available from the Pioneer One-Card Office for a fee.

Marketplace Guests

The Marketplace welcomes guests of students without advance notice. Students may use their “guest meals” (included with their meal plan) or have their guests pay the cash door price to enter the Marketplace. Current rates are available at Dining SharePoint site and are also available in the Marketplace. Student meal plans are nontransferable with the exception of guest meals which can be used to purchase a meal for someone other than yourself.  The P-card owner must be present with their P-card to use a guest meal to purchase a meal for someone else. 

Alcohol in the Marketplace

No alcoholic beverages of any kind, in any container (sealed or not), may be brought into the Marketplace at any time by any person (legal age or not).

Dietary Accommodations

Students with dietary needs resulting from medical diagnoses may participate in Grinnell Dining’s meal plan program. A licensed physician must provide documentation that describes the student’s specific dietary needs and/or restrictions. Dining Services will then make arrangements to meet all dietary requirements as prescribed by the licensed physician. Other forms to be completed include the Medical Dietary Accommodation and Accommodation forms. These forms must be completed and returned to the Office of DisAbility Resources. In addition, the staff at Student Health and Wellness (SHAW) and at Dining Services stand ready to meet with students to discuss questions and concerns. Grinnell Dining has a dietitian who is on campus each Monday and Wednesday during the academic school year. Please feel free to contact with your dietary questions, needs, concerns and to schedule an appointment if you desire. Other dietary concerns should be addressed to the Director of Dining Services.

Religious Accommodations

Grinnell Dining provides a Halal and Kosher Style venue to assist students with religious dietary needs. Should you have questions or concerns about your religious diet, please contact the Dining Services office so we can assist you.

Meals for Ill Students

Students who are confined to their rooms for medical reasons by the College’s Student Health and Wellness (SHAW) may request a meal appropriate for their illness through Student Health and Wellness (SHAW) or their Residence Life Coordinator. Requested meals are picked up from the cashier stand in the Marketplace.  The student who made the request or a friend can pickup the requested meal package.  A friend picking up the meal package will be required to sign their name for pickup of a particular meal package. 

Meals To Go

As part of Grinnell Dining’s sustainability program each student on a meal plan has access to two (2) reusable to-go containers. Reusable containers significantly reduces the amount of waste on campus.  To utilize this program, tell the Marketplace Cashier you would like a Meal To Go. All containers checked out must be returned. Make sure to obtain and keep your returned container receipts should you have any questions about the number of containers you have returned to Dining Services at the end of the semester.  A fee for each unreturned container will be billed to your student account at the end of each semester.    

Removal of Food from the Marketplace

Because added costs are involved, food and serviceware cannot be taken from the Marketplace. Exceptions include a single ice cream cone, or a packaged and redeemed “meal-to-go”. Abuse of this policy may result in disciplinary action.

Outdoor Marketplace Patio Dining

The outdoor patio dining area will be available for use during pleasant fall and spring weather. Students may access it through the doors in the Commons seating area in the Marketplace. Trays are to be taken back into the Marketplace to the tray return area after finishing the meal. The policy regarding the removal of food from the Marketplace also applies to removal of food from the patio dining area.  


In compliance with the laws of the State of Iowa and Grinnell College policy, no smoking or vaping is allowed in any dining facility or seating area (including patio seating).

Food Fights

Throwing food and utensils in the Marketplace can be dangerous and is disrespectful to other diners. Grinnell Dining will seek disciplinary action against any student observed throwing food or utensils in the Marketplace. Any damage or extra cleanup costs incurred are the responsibility of the participants involved and will be assessed above and beyond any disciplinary action taken.

Property of the College, including Dining facilities and property, are to be respected. Abuse of these facilities and property may result in disciplinary action and/or a charge to your student account.

Procedures for Boycotts

Grinnell Dining attempts to cooperate when the Student Government Association wishes to boycott certain food items, with the following stipulations:

  1. Grinnell Dining will not boycott any one food item.
  2. There must be an SGA referendum on any boycott. This referendum should include only students on meal plans.
    1. If a boycott results in the purchase of alternative foods at a higher cost, this issue must be included in the referendum. Further, it will be understood that Grinnell Dining will limit expenditures on effected products to the weekly level that was being spent before the effective date of any boycott.
    2. Grinnell Dining will label the boycotted food and, when possible, provide an alternative food choice.
    3. In order for an alternative food to be offered, at least 20 percent of students on meal plans must vote in favor of the boycott. Percentage expenditures on boycotted and alternative food items initially will be governed by the percentage vote for the referendum. Thereafter, percentage expenditures will be governed by the actual consumption levels.
    4. All boycotts will terminate at the school year’s end.
  3. Individual students can choose whether to participate in the boycott.

Author: Dining Services


  • to provide education and awareness of appropriate/acceptable use of dining hall;
  • to provide resources to students with dietary needs;
  • to be compliant with health codes.

Parental and/or Guardian Notification

A fundamental goal of Grinnell College is to support students’ growth, independence and maturity, in part by expecting them to assume responsibility for their own educational and personal matters. We operate on the premise that students are adults; therefore, we desire to work directly with them - and not through their parents or guardians - on problems they are experiencing academically or socially.  At the same time, the College also encourages students and parents or guardians to communicate directly, regularly, and openly with each other about issues of mutual concern.

Federal law protects the confidentiality of student educational records and specifies those limited situations in which information may be disclosed without a student’s prior written consent. In most instances, students will be encouraged to communicate with their own parents or guardians.  Release of student education records, even to parents of dependent children, is generally not done at Grinnell College without the expressed written consent of the student, which can be accomplished through forms retrieved from the Registrar’s office (academic information) or Student Affairs (personal and behavioral information).

As allowed by law, the College reserves the right to notify parents or guardians directly about situations that would constitute a health and safety emergency (as determined through the professional judgment of the Vice President of Student Affairs or their designee).  The cases in which Grinnell would notify parents or guardians cannot be completely enumerated or described; it is, for example, the belief of the College that these situations may constitute an invocation of the health and safety exception to a student’s privacy: serious injury, hospitalization, hospital visits for alcohol poisoning or drug overdose, violence or abuse toward self or others, arrest or police action, very serious mental health concerns, or behavior that will likely result in suspension or dismissal from College-owned residence or the College itself.  In the case of an unexplained absence of a student for several days or more, the College also reserves the right to contact friends and relatives to help in locating the student.

Grinnell College recognizes, however, that circumstances might cause a student to believe that notification of parents would be inappropriate.  The Vice President for Student Affairs or their designee uses professional judgment when determining whether notifying parents or guardians is essential and beneficial to student welfare.  In certain individual instances, the College may then conclude that it is not in the student’s best interest that parental/guardian notification take place, and in that event, an exception to the privacy policy may not be made.

In every case, College staff will attempt to partner with the student when informing a parent or guardian in order to discuss the possible benefits and challenges of notification.

Author: Vice President for Student Affairs, Student Government Association


  • to support students’ independence and maturity;
  • to inform students of their privacy rights;
  • to communicate when College officials might need to contact parent(s)/guardian(s).

Parking on Campus

College Parking Lots

Grinnell College owns and controls every parking area in which a permit is valid.  The function, management, maintenance, and coordination of parking areas is a shared responsibility between the Department of Campus Safety and Facilities Management.

Grinnell College provides access to parking for registered students through the sale of a parking permit.  The issuance of a parking permit does not guarantee the student a specific parking stall, but ensures that the student can utilize any available parking stall designated as a student parking space.

Purchase of a Student Parking Permit

The Department of Campus Safety makes permits available for purchase by eligible students at the beginning of each permit cycle.  The fee for an academic permit is $120.00 and the fee for a term permit is $60.00.

Generally, students will purchase a parking permit each year prior to the beginning of the new academic year in August.  Students must complete the parking application and registration form in order to be eligible to purchase a parking permit.

Permit Application and Vehicle Registration

A student must register their vehicle with the Department of Campus Safety during the permit application process at the beginning of each new permit cycle.  In order for a student to register their vehicle, the student must complete a permit application and vehicle registration form and return it to Campus Safety.

Upon successful completion of the permit application and vehicle registration process and the assessment of the permit fee to the applicants student account, the student will be issued a parking permit.

Parking Permit Cycles

There are four different types of parking permits available to eligible students each year:

Academic Year – This permit is valid from September through May of an academic year (eg: 2024-2025).

Fall Term – This permit is valid from September through December of the term year (eg: Fall 2024, Fall 2025).

Spring Term – This permit is valid from January through May of the term year (eg: Spring 2025, Spring 2026).

Summer Term – This permit is valid from June through August of the term year (eg: Summer 2024, Summer 2025).

Each permit cycle has a start and end date for permit application process and distribution period.  Permits are sold on a “first come, first served” basis.  During this period of time, ticketing will be suspended for no valid permit.

Permit Application Options

An application may be completed in hard copy format and submitted, in-person, to the Department of Campus Safety.  Our office is located at 1213 6th Avenue (Mears Cottage) on the first floor of the building.  A student may also request a hard copy of the permit application at our office.

An application may also be completed electronically.  An electronic permit application will be attached to the email announcing the parking permit application period, can be found on Grinnell Share on the Campus Safety portal, or can be requested by emailing

All electronic application must be emailed to for full and proper consideration.

Parking Permit Pick-Up

A student will be notified when their parking permit is available to be picked up via email.  A permit may be picked up at any time at our office located at 1213 6th Avenue (Mears Cottage) on the first floor of the building.

Parking Permit as College Property

Parking permits, replacement permits, or temporary permits remain the property of Grinnell College which use is governed by College parking regulations and policies.

Possession and Use of Permit

Possession and use of a Grinnell College parking permit is governed by Grinnell College parking regulations and policies.  The issuance and use of this parking permit is a privilege and not a right and may be issued, modified, or revoked at the discretion of the College.

A parking permit does not guarantee a parking space, but allows parking if a space is available.  Each vehicle operator is responsible for finding authorized space in the parking area designated by their permit type.  Lack of an eligible space is not a valid reason for violating any parking regulations or policies.

Sale or Transfer of Permit

A student may not sell, sublet, rent, or otherwise transfer their permit to another person.  The Department of Campus Safety is the only authorized office of issuance

Permit Fraud

A student who commits permit fraud, including, but not limited to; alteration of permit, displaying another person’s permit, creating and/or displaying a false permit, may lose on-campus parking privileges.  Any instance of permit fraud will be referred to Student Affairs for conduct action.

The Associate Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students or their designee would determine the length of time a student might be prohibited from registering for a parking permit in the future, to include any other learning outcomes imposed.

Parking Fees and Fines

Permit holders are responsible for any parking fees and fines assessed.  Outstanding parking fines or fees shall be transferred to the Cashier’s Office upon positive identification of the offender and the subsequent linking of a vehicle to a student account.

Appeals Process

Permit holders may appeal any parking fees and fines via the established parking appeal process.

An appeal must be submitted within 10 days of the issuance of the citation to be eligible for appeal.  An electronic copy can be found on Grinnell Share at the Campus Safety portal or requested via email at  A hard copy of the form is also available at Campus Safety located at 1213 6th Avenue (Mears Cottage) on the first floor of the building.

Each submitted appeal will be shared with the Parking Committee electronically via software owned by Grinnell College.  The following information will be extracted from the appeal form and presented to each committee member individually:

  • The appellant’s name will not be shared in order to avoid any implicit or explicit bias, a perceived power relationship due to the complainants position with the college, or any other discrimination based upon the perceived race, color, ethnicity, national origin, age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, veteran status, pregnancy, childbirth, religion, disability, creed, or any other protected class.  The complainant will only be identified to the Parking Committee as a student, employee, or visitor.
  • The appellant’s permit number (if applicable) will be shared in order to confirm whether the complainant possess a Grinnell College parking permit.
  • The citation number will be shared to provide administrative reference between the citation and associated appeal form and the survey results.
  • The appellant’s written “Reason for Appeal” will be shared.
  • The location of the offense will be shared to provide insight into which lot or area the vehicle was parked at the time of citation.
  • The fee assessment will be shared to provide context into the nature of the violation and the fee associated with the violation.

Appeal Adjudication

The results of each Parking Committee member’s decision will be tallied and the final decision will be determined utilizing “majority rule”.  The “majority rule” principle provides that a majority constituted by fifty percent plus one of the organized group will have the power to make decision binding upon the whole.  The Parking Committee is comprised of Staff, Faculty, and Students.

In the event that the required majority is not achieved, the chairperson of the Parking Committee (who is not eligible to vote in the initial review due to procedural recusal) will cast the tie-breaking vote.

When considering the appeal, a Parking Committee member will have the following options to assign to the appeal:

  • Upheld – The appeal has been denied and the citation issued is upheld.  The appellant shall be assessed the full fee amount.
  • Reduced – The appeal has been reduced and the citation issued is upheld.  The appellant shall be assessed half the cited fee amount.
  • Cancelled – The appeal has been granted and the citation issued is voided.  The appellant shall not be responsible for payment of the fee.

The appeal decision rendered by the Parking Committee is final and non-negotiable.  The appellant will be notified of the decision of the committed with a formal letter delivered by electronic mail.

Appeal Process and Adjudication Exceptions

In an exigent or emergent situation, the Director of Campus Safety or their designee may waive ticket in lieu of the formal ticket appeal process.  The circumstances in which a waive would be granted are, but are not limited to:

  • The issued citation and the execution of the formal appeal process may damage the brand or reputation of the college.
  • The officer(s) who issued the citation did so in a manner counter to parking policy, with blatant disregard to the “spirit” of said policies.
  • The citation was appropriately issued, but the circumstances under which the offender violated the policy were due to a measureable or known emergency situatiton.

Multiple Vehicles

The Department of Campus Safety shall only issue one permit per student.  A student may register more than one vehicle to be associated with the issued permit.  It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that a permit is displayed in the registered vehicle that they are operating and seeking to park at the time of use.

Lost or Stolen Permit

Lost or stolen permits must be reported to the Department of Campus Safety.  Should a replacement permit be desired, a replacement and service fee of $10.00 will be assessed to the student’s account.  The replacement and service fee may be refunded if the lost permit is found within 30 days and the replacement permit is returned to Campus Safety.

It is very important that lost or stolen permits be reported as soon as possible after the loss is noticed.  The permit holder is responsible for any and all parking fines and fees assessed to any vehicle on which the registered permit is displayed.

Presenting False Information

Presenting, attempting to present, or conspiring to present information that an individual would have reason to believe is false to any Grinnell College employee for the purpose of obtaining a permanent or temporary parking permit, retaining a permit, processing a petition or appeal for the purpose of deceiving any employee, may result in a fine and/or loss of parking privileges.

Involuntary Separation from the College

Upon separation from Grinnell College via involuntary leave of absence, suspension, or expulsion, it is the responsibility of the Associate Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students or their designee to collect an issued parking permit.  A separated student is not eligible for a refund unless so determined by the aforementioned College Official.  An authorized refund will be issued on a prorated scale.

Voluntary Separation from the College

A student who chooses to voluntarily separate from Grinnell College via leave of absence or withdrawal is eligible for a refund on a prorate scale.  It is the responsibility of the student to make arrangements with the Department of Campus Safety in order to process a parking permit refund prior to voluntary separation.  A request for a refund after a student’s voluntary separation date may be honored at the discretion of the Director of Campus Safety or their designee.

Non-Designated Parking Areas

All College owned or operated drives and other paved areas not specifically designated for parking are considered tow-away zones.  Motor vehicles parked in such areas are subject to immediate tow and a fine.

Students may not park or operate a motor vehicle on Grinnell College grounds (lawns, loggia, sidewalks).  Motor vehicles parked in these areas will be subject to immediate tow and a fine, those operating their vehicles in these areas may be referred to Law Enforcement

Reserved Parking

Grinnell College may assign, as needed, designated reserved spaces to satisfy the operation needs of the institution.  The college restricts the use of reserved parking stalls to those vehicles assigned to the reserved space.  The assignment of a vehicle to a reserved space may be via the function and use of the vehicle, formal or special permit, or the stated intended use displayed upon the parking sign.  Individuals operating the proper motor vehicle, displaying the proper formal or special permit, or using the reserved stall for it’s stated intended use, may park their vehicle in the reserved stall.

All others will be subject to immediate tow and a fine.

Parking Lot Closure

Grinnell College reserves the right to suspend the usage of assigned parking stall and lots at any time.  These closures are generally announced with at least 48 hours of notice, but may be unannounced with little notice.

Parking stalls and/or lots may be closed for maintenance, cleaning, snow removal, a campus event, or an emergency situation.

Towing Vehicles

Grinnell College may tow or relocate a vehicle, when necessary, to preserve and ensure the integrity of the parking management system, due to a violation of policy, upon lawful order by local, state, or federal officials, and/or to ensure College operations.

Any vehicle that has three or more unpaid citations, which have all exceeded the appeal period or are not actively being reviewed via the appeal process, is subject to immediate citation and/or tow at the owner/operators expense without notice.

Any unregistered vehicle that has been left unattended on College property continuously for more than ten days, and it is apparent that the vehicle has not been moved from a parking stall or College property during this time, will be eligible for classification as an abandoned vehicle.

The Department of Campus Safety will make reasonable attempts to identify and contact the owner or operator of the vehicle prior to classifying it as an abandoned and having it towed from College property.  A tow notice will be affixed to the vehicle 48 hours prior to the scheduled towing of an abandoned vehicle.

A vehicle may be towed or relocated to another College owned or controlled property or parking lot in support of campus operations, a large event, or the delivery of good or services from an external or internal source.  The relocation of a vehicle is generally, but not limited to, the fulfillment of an announced parking lot closure in support of College operations.

Parking regulations are enforced 24 hours per day, seven days a week in all student lots and tow-away zones. See Campus Safety for further information concerning student parking.

Parking Enforcement

The Department of Campus Safety enforces parking policies and monitors College owned and controlled parking areas all day, every day.

Author: Campus Safety


  • to inform students with personal motorized vehicles about registration and appropriate parking locations;
  • to provide education about resources for alternative transportation methods.

Personal Care Attendant

Grinnell College is committed to ensuring all students, including students with disabilities, have equal access to the residence halls and equal participation in the programs and events held within them.

A student with a disability (hereafter referred to as “student”) who needs a personal care attendant (hereafter referred to as “PCA”) is expected to contact Grinnell College’s Disability Resources Office, which coordinates services for students with disabilities, as soon as their deposit to reserve a space in the residence halls is made. It is the student’s responsibility to provide written documentation from a trained, licensed, and qualified medical professional indicating that a PCA is necessary and what level of care is needed (e.g., 24-hour presence, waking hours only, three visits a day). Disability Resources and Residence Life staff members assist students in the selection of appropriate facilities and living arrangements.

The student is responsible for hiring, training, and paying the PCA. The student must sign a statement indicating that they are aware that they are responsible for any policy violations by the PCA, just as all residents are responsible for the behavior of their guests. Any room key that is given to a PCA is the responsibility of the student and charged to their account.

If living in, the PCA must sign an agreement specifying the housing contract and that they agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the College while on campus. The living arrangement depends on the student’s disability needs. Depending on which residence hall the student resides, the live-in PCA may be required to be of the same gender as the student unless the student is the only occupant of the room/suite. Non-student PCAs are required to obtain and carry at all times a College identification card (P-Card). As Grinnell College is a highly residential community, all non-student PCAs who have access to the residence halls must successfully complete a background and sexual offender registry check (to be paid for by the student).

Non-student PCAs may use any campus facility which is open to the public. They may also use facilities restricted to students and staff only when accompanying the student. Live-in, non-student PCAs may purchase meals in the Marketplace Dining Hall and may purchase the following services: technology services, parking permit, and a campus mail box. Relief PCAs follow the same policies detailed above.

For questions, clarification or to make an appointment please contact:

Author: Dean of Students, Disability Resources


  • to better support students with disabilities who might need assistance from personal care attendants;
  • to communicate responsibilities and expectations of personal care attendants.

Photo Release

All students give Grinnell College legal permission to use their image in any still photograph or video recording made or authorized by a Grinnell College staff member for instructional or promotional purposes, unless permission is denied in a written statement filed with the Division of Student Affairs.  By granting permission, students release any and all claims for damages related to libel, slander, or invasion of privacy.

Author: Office of Communications and Marketing


  • To inform students of their right to prevent the release of photographs and videos made by the College for educational or promotional purposes.

Political Activities

In any year of political campaigns, questions arise as to the use of College facilities for speeches and other activities of political candidates and their College sponsors or supporters. Because the College is a non-profit institution with tax-exempt status, it cannot be put in a position where it is, or seems to be, providing facilities and other forms of support for partisan political activity. The College also must ensure that such activity does not interfere with the regular educational and extracurricular programs of students and faculty at the College.

Procedures for Political Activity

In order to ensure the fair and equitable treatment of all political parties, groups, and ideas, and to ensure that political activity does not interfere with the regular educational and extracurricular programs of the College, faculty, students, and staff must abide by the following regulations:

Mail Room

There will be no use of the College’s mail service or facilities for individual distribution of any political literature that does not come directly from the U.S. Postal Service. Persons wishing to distribute political literature on the general distribution shelves must request permission from the manager of the mail room.

Information Technology Services/Service Bureau

The use of any of the College’s computer facilities or services for the preparation of political materials is strictly prohibited. The College will not provide services for the duplication of political materials.

Use of College Name

No Grinnell student or employee should use the College’s name, letterhead, or logo in a communication in support of a political party or candidate. Letters to a newspaper editor or another periodical in support of or opposition to a candidate or party should avoid identifying the writer as being affiliated with Grinnell College, other than the usage of the person’s mailing address.

Person-to-Person Electioneering

Representatives of political parties or candidates may not solicit votes-either by confronting students, faculty, or staff, or by distributing literature in classroom buildings, the library, residence halls, or places other than the designated area in the Joe Rosenfield ‘25 Center.

  1. Candidates or their representatives must request permission from the Director of Campus Center Operations and Student Activities (or designee) in order to solicit votes. This should be done in advance of the visitation date.
  2. Political signs may be posted only in places designated by the Director of Campus Center Operations and Student Activities (or designee).
  3. Campaign workers may not impede the general flow of traffic within the Joe Rosenfield ‘25 Center. If individuals stop to pick up literature or express an interest in the campaign, campaign workers are free to discuss various issues with them.

Solicitation of Funds

Campaign workers, including students, faculty, and staff, are not permitted to engage in person-to-person or general solicitation of funds on campus for political purposes. Any mail solicitation must be through the U.S. Postal Service only.

Political Speeches

All announced candidates for public office may give talks at the College under the following conditions:

  1. Such talks are to be open to the entire community with rights of reply afforded to persons in the audience.
  2. We encourage campaigns to work through campus organizations to plan their events and to follow Campus Scheduling Guidelines.
  3. All candidates or their representatives must inform David Harrison, the chairperson of the College’s Program in Practical Political Education (PPPE), as far in advance of a candidate’s appearance as possible.
  4. All candidates or their representatives must contact the Office of Conference Operations and Events to arrange for an acceptable time on the Campus Calendar and a location for the event.
  5. All setup costs related to the speech that go beyond what are considered normal college setups, such as chairs and microphones, microphone in Herrick Chapel, etc., must be paid for by the candidate’s organization. A rental agreement must be signed if special setups are required.

Closed Political Meetings

Political meetings that are closed to the public for purposes of discussing campaign strategies with candidates must be scheduled with the Office of Conference Operations and Events. A rental agreement must be signed and rental fees will be charged for the use of such rooms.

Author: Program in Practical Political Education (PPPE)


  • to ensure the fair and equitable treatment of all political parties, groups, and activities;
  • to ensure that political activity does not interfere with in- and out-of-class learning.

Protest and Demonstration Policy

The College affirms the right to assembly and supports student expression in the form of protest and demonstration under the following conditions:

  1. Protests and/or demonstrations may not impede access to the educational experience for other students, and may not impede access to the employment responsibilities for faculty or staff.
  2. Protests and/or demonstrations may not cause damage to persons or College property.
  3. Students engaged in protests and/or demonstrations may not access confidential spaces, confidential information, or private individual offices.

Author: Dean of Students


  • to ensure the rights of assembly while protecting educational access for all students and the faculty/staff who educate them, while also protecting persons, property, and confidentiality.

Public Art Procedure

Those wishing to display public art exhibits (murals, paintings, sculptures, etc.) need the approval of a cross-campus committee, which members include the following offices: Residence Life, Campus Safety, Conference Operations, Student Involvement, and Facilities Management.

Students, staff, or faculty who are interested in installing an art project in public should submit a proposal which details:

  • the content and purpose of the project,
  • the names of the individuals expected to be working on the project,
  • the location where the exhibit will be displayed,
  • the materials used to create said exhibit,
  • the estimated time for the installation to be completed,
  • the duration the project will be exhibited,
  • the procedure for removal of the project and any anticipated damages.

This proposal can be submitted to any member of the above departments for review at a committee meeting, which occurs weekly when classes are in session.

Author: Director of Facilities, Director of Conference Events, and Assistant Dean of Students and Director of Residence Life and Orientation


  • to inform students how they may display public art in an approved manner to prevent its removal.


Personal Safety Tips

  1. Always lock your room door when you are sleeping or not in the room.
  2. Lock your bike with a high security lock.
  3. Report unfamiliar persons who are acting strangely to a Residence Life Coordinator, Student Affairs dean or Campus Safety immediately.
  4. Walk in well-lighted areas.
  5. Report all threatening incidents, attacks, or threats to the local police immediately and/or Campus Safety and then contact a Residence Life Coordinator. A direct call to the police may enable them to locate the person(s) involved while the person(s) is/are still on campus.
  6. Store money and valuable items in secure places.
  7. Keep the outside residence hall doors closed (including fire escape doors).

Absence and Missing Students

Students planning to be away from campus for a prolonged period should notify their roommate(s), housemates, or Residence Life Coordinator. When staff from the Division of Student Affairs are notified of a missing student, they will attempt to locate the student to ensure their safety.

Campus Emergencies

All information associated with a campus emergency is distributed to the campus community (via email and/or e2campus text notification) from the department of Campus Safety.

If a fire occurs in a campus building, everyone should quickly exit the building, using available stairways and fire escapes. The emergency signal for a fire is a continuous alarm. After reaching safety, call Campus Safety at ext. 4600 (641-269-4600) or dial 911 for assistance.

See Campus Safety for further information concerning emergencies on campus.

Emergency Telephones and Numbers

There are telephones scattered throughout the hallways of some residence halls, as well as four outdoor emergency phone boxes (located in the James loggia, Smith loggia, outside of the JRC by Younker Hall, and other areas around the campus).  There are also phone boxes at the entrance to several of the residence halls.

Emergency Numbers
  • Police: 911 (emergency) or the Grinnell Police Department: 641-623-5679
  • Hospital: 641-236-2380
  • Student Health and Counseling Services: x3230
  • Fire: 911 or 641-623-5679
  • Campus Safety: x4600

A Residence Life Coordinator and a Student Affairs dean are on-call and available 24 hours day, 7 days a week (while school is in session) to respond to student emergencies. Call Campus Safety at ext. 4600 (641-269-4600) to request to speak with the on-call Residence Life Coordinator.

Buildings and Grounds

Students are not permitted to climb or otherwise tamper with buildings, fences, construction equipment, or college maintenance vehicles.

Students must comply with safety regulations in College residence halls and College-owned houses.

Residence halls and College-owned houses are secured 24 hours per day. The security of the building and safety of the students depends upon students closing and locking doors and windows at all times. Since closed and locked doors are the basis of Grinnell’s campus security system, please do not prop the loggia or fire escape doors open. Academic buildings are locked in the evenings and opened in the mornings daily during the academic year. When school is not in session, academic buildings are usually locked at 5 p.m. and opened in the mornings. Campus Safety and Facilities Management are responsible for locking and unlocking buildings on campus.

Lost keys should be reported to Campus Safety and the office issuing the keys. Lost residence hall room keys should be reported to a Residence Life Coordinator. When a student room key is missing, Facilities Management will change the lock core.

Mechanical problems with locks, doors, or other security or fire equipment should be reported to Facilities Management or Campus Safety.

The electronic locking information will only be used in case of emergencies and security or safety issues (example: locating a lost or missing student, damaging the system, or investigating a crime, or when authorized by the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs or designee).

Grinnell College No-Contact Orders

Grinnell College is committed to the safety and well-being of the campus community.  As such, there are instances when issuing a No-Contact Order is necessary and warranted. A No-Contact Order does not replace and should not be compared to a court-issued protective order, which is available in addition to a No-Contact Order.

Grinnell College is a private, educational institution and as such, may issue No-Contact Orders covering all areas of campus and with the expectation that intentional off-campus contact is also prohibited. Here is a map of included areas.  Copies of No-Contact Orders are housed within the Division of Student Affairs and with the department of Campus Safety.

A No-Contact Order prohibits the issued party/ies from being in physical or verbal contact with another party/ies as follows:

  • In person
  • By phone (voice and text)
  • Via third party
  • Social media (Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Plans, or any other similar social media platform)
  • By e-mail or internet messaging services or any other internet based communication
  • Notes, letters, or other written communication  
  • Destruction or vandalism of the person’s property
  • Use of threats of physical violence both on and off campus     
  • Other forms of contact as determined by the designated Senior Official

Additional requirements for proximity, duration and other details of the Order are written into the outline of the Order at issuance. 


Campus Safety, the Dean of Students or a designated Senior Official will receive, review and determine the threshold for issuance of No-Contact Orders. Students interested in a No-Contact Order may make a statement with Campus Safety or with the Dean of Students for review. If the threshold is met, Campus Safety, the Dean of Students or Senior Official will issue the Order to the named individual(s) and explain the content of the Order which may include: proximity, duration and other details therein.


The Dean of Students or designated Senior Official will make the determination of threshold for issuing a No-Contact Order based upon the following:

  • Details provided in the request
  • Previous instances of concern between the parties
  • Supporting documentation (texts, voicemails, messages, notes, etc.)
  • An occurrence between parties that is likely to result in conduct charges and where it is in the best interest of the parties to have no contact pending the outcome of the conduct process

In instances where an imminent threat or danger is assessed, the Dean of Students or designated Senior Official will take immediate steps to alert the community, eliminate the threat where possible, attempt to mitigate its recurrence, and address its affects.

Proximity Guidelines

Grinnell College is a small campus and it is possible that two parties involved with a No-Contact Order will encounter one another.  It is advised that the issued party divert their direction away from the issuing party as soon as possible when this occurs.  The burden of managing proximity is on the issued party.  If the College issues a shared or mutual No-Contact Order where both parties are named as the “issued party”, it is the responsibility of both parties to manage the proximity guidelines. In the instance that the two parties have a shared on-campus class, employment, sport, or other activity, the Dean of Students or designated Senior Official will mitigate conflict in a manner that allows both parties to continue their education.

Violation of a No-Contact Order

Any violation of a No-Contact Order by the issued party is subject to immediate disciplinary review and possible action and should be reported to Campus Safety immediately at 641-269-4600.  A violation of a No-Contact Order by the complaining party is subject to a new threshold determination by the Dean of Students and possible revocation of the Order. 

If you would like to request or discuss a No-Contact Order, please contact:

Campus Safety

Mears Cottage

1213 6th Ave.

Grinnell, IA 50112


If you would like to pursue a civil protective order, please contact: Grinnell Police Department at 641-623-5679 or Poweshiek County Clerk of Court Office at 641-623-5644

Fire Safety and Procedures

The act of discharging a fire extinguisher, lighting a fire, misuse or tampering with the alarm or sprinkler systems, and unauthorized use of a fog machine is considered irresponsible behavior and endangers the lives of others and results in immediate conduct action. Any misuse or tampering with fire safety equipment is subject to a $500 fine. Any violation of the College’s smoking policy that leads to a fire alarm and/or building evacuation is also subject to a $500 fine.  The College also reserves the right to pursue criminal charges through the appropriate authorities.

Students are not permitted to place bottles, signs, decorations, flags, or other displays in their windows. Any student obstructing a window or access point for fire safety officials will be asked to remove the item(s). If it is not promptly removed, the college will remove the item(s) and bill the student for its removal.

Students are not allowed to walk on fire escapes or the roofs of college buildings (including loggias) except during drills or a fire emergency. Students found in the residence hall after a fire alarm has sounded may face disciplinary action.

If a fire is discovered in any College building, immediately call Campus Safety at ext. 4600 (641-269-4600). Identify yourself and give the location of the fire. The emergency signal is a continuous sounding of the fire alarm. In case of a fire, each person in the residence hall should leave the building as quickly as possible, using available stairways and fire escapes. Each student should also leave the room door unlocked, and close the door upon exiting their room. Students should exit the residence halls by walking quietly and quickly and stand in a designated area away from the building.

Barbecues - A limited number of barbecue grills are available for student use. Permission must be obtained from the Director of Facilities Management (or designee) before barbecues can be set on College property. Under no circumstances are students allowed to barbecue on the loggia.

Candles and Incense – Open flames of any kind and the burning of incense is prohibited in all College-owned buildings.

Fireworks Policy

The possession or use of fireworks on campus is strictly prohibited. Policy violation may result in disciplinary action and/or criminal sanctions.

Terrorism Threat Level Response

Campus Safety will monitor all threat level advisories issued through the National Terrorism Advisory System. The campus will be alerted if the threat involves an imminent threat to the Grinnell College campus.

The National Terrorism Advisory System, or NTAS, replaces the color-coded Homeland Security Advisory System (HSAS). This new system will more effectively communicate information about terrorist threats by providing timely, detailed information to the public, government agencies, first responders, airports and other transportation hubs, and the private sector. It recognizes that Americans all share responsibility for the nation’s security, and should always be aware of the heightened risk of terrorist attack in the United States and what they should do.

Tornado/Severe Storms Procedures

During stormy weather, listen to your radio for weather service reports. The National Weather Service will report if this area is under a severe thunderstorm or tornado watch or warning. A watch means that conditions exist which make a severe storm or tornado possible. A warning means that a severe storm or tornado has been sighted. If a warning is issued for Grinnell, N.W. Poweshiek County and N.E. Jasper County, seek appropriate shelter. Shelter locations are listed at the Campus Safety website. If a tornado is sighted in this area, warning sirens will sound. The sirens make a long, continuous, loud sound. When you hear it during a storm, do not hesitate to take shelter immediately. There is no all-clear signal. You must use your own judgment in resuming to normal activities. Please note: sirens are tested at 9:00 am each Thursday.

During a warning:

  • Go to the lowest floor of any building you are in (i.e., a basement or residence hall pit) and head for interior spaces or rooms that face east, preferably north and east. (Rooms facing north and east are usually safer than those that face south and west.)
  • Get into a room or area without windows. If this is not possible, stay away from the windows or exterior walls. Get behind/under a heavy piece of furniture or object to protect against flying debris.
  • Avoid corridors, particularly those facing west or south. If you have to take shelter in a corridor, open and prop any doors that have glass or break out the glass.
  • Avoid any building with a long flat roof or large open spaces in its interior (e.g., PEC, Library, Harris Center, or Roberts Theatre).
  • If you are in a car and there is a tornado warning, get out of the car and seek shelter in a building basement. If there is not enough time, lie flat in a ditch or other depression off the roadway.
  • Do not call the College switchboard, Facilities Management, or the city police during a tornado warning period, except in the event of a clear emergency. Telephone lines should be kept open for emergency purposes only.

Weapons, Firearms and Explosives

Grinnell College is committed to providing a safe learning, living, and working environment. Conduct that endangers the safety of the campus community is prohibited. For this reason, no student shall have in their possession any weapon(s), firearm(s), or explosive(s). Violent behavior and/or threats of violence are strictly prohibited on College property. The possession or use of weapons of any kind, including firearms and/or explosives, is also expressly prohibited on College property or while involved in College-related activities (except as authorized by College officials). As any object has the potential to be used as a weapon, the College reserves the right to define a “weapon” based on its potential for damage or threat. Replicas and facsimiles* of weapons are similarly prohibited. In addition, claims of possessing a weapon, firearm, or explosive will be responded to as an actual threat, whether or not evidence of said item exists. Under no circumstances may students store or possess weapons, firearms, or explosives in College-owned residences (i.e., residence halls or project/language houses), in or on other College buildings or property, or in vehicles parked on campus. The only exception to this policy: students are allowed to own and use a typical kitchen knife for cooking purposes only.

Any violation of this policy is considered extremely serious and may lead to immediate interim suspension pending the outcome of a hearing.

Students involved in clubs and organizations where weapons are used must store their weapon with Campus Safety and check the item(s) out for each use.


Weapon - any device that is designed to, or traditionally used to, inflict harm. This includes, but is not limited to: 1) firearms, slingshots, switchblades, daggers, blackjacks, brass knuckles, bows and arrows, hand grenades, hunting knives, nun-chucks, throwing stars, etc.; 2) any object that could be reasonably construed as a weapon; or 3) any object legally controlled as a weapon under the laws of the State of Iowa.

Firearm - Any device that shoots a bullet, pellet, flare, tranquilizer, spear dart, paintball or other projectile*, whether loaded or unloaded, including those powered by CO2. This includes, but is not limited to: guns, air guns, dart guns, pistols, revolvers, rifles, cannons, etc. Any ammunition for any such device is also prohibited by this policy.

Explosives - Any chemical compound or mechanical mixture that contains any oxidizing and combustible units, or other ingredients, in such proportion, quantities or packing that an ignition by fire, friction, concussion, percussion, or detonator, or any part of the compound or mixture, gaseous pressures capable of producing destructive efforts on contiguous objects or of destroying life or limb. This includes, but is not limited to: firecrackers, black powder, dynamite, etc. as well as detonating devices such as detonators, blasting caps, timers, incendiary wire and the like.

*Please note that Nerf blasters that use foam darts are considered a toy and not a firearm and/or weapon. However, Grinnell College community members are expected to be respectful of others and consider how the presence of Nerf blasters may impact one’s ability to study, live, or work. Should any Grinnell College community member express concern regarding a student’s use of a Nerf blaster (including foam darts), the individual(s) using Nerf blasters may be asked to cease their activity.

What You Should Know About Crime on Campus

Unfortunately, just as in any city or with any college students, Grinnellians are sometimes exposed to crime. Everyone on campus plays an important role in preventing and reporting crime. Crime isn’t your problem; it’s a campus problem. We must cooperate with each other and law enforcement agencies to maintain a safe campus.

Annual Security Report Campus Security Act

The Annual Security Report Campus Security Act includes statistics for the most recent three year period concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus, in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by the College, and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus. The report includes institutional policies concerning campus safety and security, such as policies concerning alcohol and drug use, crime prevention, the reporting of crimes, sexual assault, and other matters. You may obtain a copy of this report by contacting Campus Safety, 1432 East Street, Grinnell, Iowa 50112. This information is also available on the Campus Safety website.

Annual Fire Safety Report

The Annual Fire Safety Report is published each year.  The report includes campus fire safety practices and standards of the institution. You may obtain a copy of this report by contacting Campus Safety, 1432 East Street, Grinnell, Iowa 50112. This information is also available on the Campus Safety website.

Incident Reporting

If you are a victim of a crime, it is important that you report the incident to Campus Safety. Sometimes police or College officials can detect a pattern of criminal behavior. Reporting a crime is the only way to deter the same person from hurting someone else or stealing again. Campus Safety can help you report a crime to the police.

Because of changes in federal and state laws, there may be times when certain College officials will notify police when crimes such as rape, robbery, aggravated assault, and burglary are reported to them. These incidents could result in being reported to the police because they could pose a risk to other members of the campus community.

Campus Safety also provides the College community with timely warnings of reported crimes that are considered to be a threat to other students and employees. When there is an immediate risk to the campus, campus alert bulletins (emails and at times emergency text messages) are sent to the campus community.

Safety Programs

Grinnell College is committed to providing a safe environment for students and employees. Over the years, the College has launched a number of programs to enhance campus safety:

  • The College established the original department of Campus Safety in 1998.
  • Residence Life Coordinators and the Student Affairs deans at times will respond to emergencies along with Campus Safety officers.
  • The College improved campus lighting by installing lamps that reflect light down to the ground and by the annual review of lighting patterns on campus.
  • The Division of Student Affairs (including Campus Safety) conduct prevention and education programs throughout the academic year.
  • The Division of Student Affairs (including Campus Safety) periodically post safety reminders.

The College does its utmost to make sure the Grinnell experience is a safe one. Students are expected to exercise sound personal safety. This includes locking residence hall room doors, walking in well-lit areas and storing money and valuables in safe places.

The Conduct Processes section of this on-line Student Handbook contains a complete description of the student conduct system and its procedures, as well as details on College regulations. Every student is expected to review the material in this on-line handbook. When rules and regulations are violated, charges may be filed with the appropriate hearing board or council.

Law Enforcement and College Policies

The campus is under the jurisdiction of Campus Safety, Grinnell Police Department, Poweshiek County Sheriff’s Office, and Iowa State Patrol. The Grinnell police and the College’s Campus Safety officers conduct random foot and bicycle patrols on the campus during the school year.  Sometimes Sheriff’s and State Patrol Officers will be seen around and on campus.

Campus Safety is given the authority to enforce College rules and regulations. Grinnell police officers are deputized by the state to enforce state and federal laws and to make arrests. Their jurisdiction consists of the Grinnell city limits. The state patrol may assist the Grinnell police, and are deputized by the state to enforce state and federal laws and to make arrests. Their jurisdiction is restricted to the state of Iowa.

Grinnellians are encouraged to report crimes to Campus Safety. The College enjoys a close working relationship with the local law enforcement agency. The Director of Campus Safety meets regularly with a liaison of the police office to discuss crime-related issues.

Students may pursue charges in the criminal justice and/or the college’s student conduct system. But the College’s student conduct system cannot establish whether a criminal act has been committed. This system is designed only to hear cases when College regulations may have been violated. When an individual believes that a crime has been committed, the College encourages the victim to file charges with appropriate civil authorities. For a complete discussion of the College’s conduct process and sanctions, please refer to the Conduct Processes section of this on-line handbook.

Property Laws

The College cannot accept responsibility for the loss of a student’s possessions and advises students to lock their residence hall room doors. Students are encouraged to maintain insurance coverage against property loss or damage and keep a record of serial numbers. Any suspected thefts should be reported immediately to Campus Safety so that the incidents can be investigated.


When a student has a complaint about the activities of an uninvited or unregistered visitor, the incident needs to be reported to Campus Safety. The Student Affairs deans may ask College or civil authorities to escort the visitor off-campus or to take any other appropriate legally-sanctioned action for the protection of College persons and property. Non-students are not permitted in the residence halls without a guest pass or their host’s verification of guest status. Students are encouraged not to prop open residence hall doors or give residence hall access to strangers.

Author: Campus Safety


Self-Governance Tenets:

  • to provide a safe and secure environment;
  • to educate students on personal, fire, and weather safety.
  • to be compliant with state and federal laws.

Scheduling Events

Planning Campus Events

Students are welcome to use college facilities to host student related events or speakers.  To reserve space for events please visit the College Event Calendar. It is required that any event using campus space must be scheduled with Conference Operations.  For detailed information visit the Conference Operations and Events GrinnellShare page.

Students or student groups who plan to use non-college services for programming must first consult with the Student Involvement staff to determine if a contract agreement is necessary prior to making any commitments to the service provider (i.e., presenter/artist/vendor).  Students are not authorized to sign contracts/agreements on behalf of the College or any of its student organizations.  The Student Involvement staff will be happy to help you with information concerning the legalities of contracted events and assuring proper execution of such contracts/agreements.

Grinnell College Events Calendar

The College Events Calendar is maintained by Conference Operations and Events.  If you need assistance in requesting space, please visit our GrinnellShare page.    If you have any questions about an event, or need further assistance, contact Conference Operations and Events at or x3225 or stop by our office JRC 206. All events and programs on campus must be scheduled in accordance with the College’s Event Scheduling Guidelines.

Author: Conference Operations and Events


  • to inform students of the resources that exist for planning and promoting events;
  • to educate students on the appropriate procedures for reserving space and scheduling events.

Sexual Harassment and Misconduct Policy

The College prohibits all forms of sexual and gender-based harassment, sexual misconduct, intimate partner violence and other forms of interpersonal violence.  These are umbrella terms which encompass a broad range of behavior.  Grinnell College community members are fully supported in using the words that they feel express and/or represent their experience - including words like rape, abuse, attack, or fondling - even when the College policy uses these other, more overarching terms when adjudicating and classifying allegations.  Within these broad categories, the College specifically prohibits sexual and gender-based harassment, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, harm to others, intimate partner violence/relationship abuse, stalking, and retaliation.    

Grinnell College students, staff, and faculty, led by the Title IX Coordinator, have published a comprehensive guide called the Grinnell College Policy, Procedures and Guide to Preventing, Reporting, and Responding to Sexual Misconduct and Other Forms of Interpersonal Violence.  We encourage you to visit this site for a more detailed understanding of the systems that guide our work to eliminate harassment, address its effects, and prevent its recurrence. 

Within this Student Handbook, we have also listed an overview of the conduct process for your convenience, as the process for adjudicating sexual misconduct cases is different than that used for other types of cases.


Author: Title IX Coordinator, Dean of Students, Director of Human Resources, Dean of the College


  • to educate Grinnell College community members about sexual harassment and misconduct
  • To provide resources and supportive measures to those affected by sexual misconduct; 
  • to provide the prompt and equitable process of response for allegations of misconduct;
  • to prevent sexual harassment and misconduct and its recurrence;
  • to be compliant with state and federal laws.


Effective July 1, 2008 the Iowa SmokeFree Air Act prohibits smoking anywhere on the entire Grinnell College campus (including CERA).  The law imposes penalties for noncompliance on both the smoker and the institution in the event of a violation.  Effective September 1, 2014, Grinnell College will treat e-cigarettes in the same way as traditional cigarettes, for the purposes of complying with the Iowa SmokeFree Air Act of 2008.

Smoking (including cigarettes, hookah, e-cigarettes, marijuana, or any other combustibles) is prohibited on all campus property. Candles and incense are also prohibited in residence halls and in College-owned houses. Buildings, loggias, residence hall rooms, parking lots, vehicles owned by Grinnell College, interior sidewalks, and athletic fields are included in the ban.  Persons who choose to smoke on Grinnell’s campus do so at their own risk. Any violation of the College’s smoking policy that leads to a fire alarm and/or building evacuation is also subject to a $500 fine.

Smoking is only permitted on perimeter sidewalks and streets (Park and East Streets, and 6th, 8th, and 10th Avenues).

Grinnell College is offering the following resources to those who wish to quit smoking tobacco.

  1. Quitline Iowa

    Quitline Iowa is a toll-free, statewide smoking cessation telephone counseling hotline. Trained counselors provide callers with information about the health consequences of tobacco use, assistance in making an individualized quit plan, and ongoing support through optional follow-up calls.

    The Quitline is staffed:

    Monday–Thursday, 7 am–midnight

    Friday, 7 am–9 pm

    Saturday and Sunday, 8 am–7 pm

  2. Smoking Cessation

    The college offers the American Lung Associations Freedom From Smoking program to faculty/staff/students through the campus Wellness Office, 269-3230.  Anyone interested can contact SHAW at  

Author: Campus Safety


  • to provide a smoke-free environment for all Grinnell College community members;
  • to inform students of smoking cessation programs;
  • to be compliant with state law.


Solicitation, door-to-door sales, and other sales of various kinds are not permitted in the residence halls, College-owned houses, Joe Rosenfield ‘25 Center, or the Harris Center.

Author: Campus Safety, Dean of Student Involvement


  • to create a living and learning environment that is free from solicitors.