students in central campus


  1. The Grinnell Magazine

    President Howard Bowen & Corporate Social Responsibility

    This year marks the 60th anniversary of the publication of an important —  and until recently neglected — book by Howard R. Bowen, president of  Grinnell College from…

  2. Academic Tweeting

    Dec 20, 2013

    When writing a paper or struggling through a dense reading, sometimes it is helpful to turn to another resource for assistance. Unfortunately for me, that resource is often Facebook or Twitter,…

  3. And the Winners Are…

    Dec 20, 2013

    Grinnell hosted its third annual Grinnell Prize symposium Nov. 3–9. Winners of the Grinnell College Young Innovator for Social Justice Prize were selected from more than 1,000 nominees from 66…

  4. At the Faulconer Gallery Winter 2013

    Dec 20, 2013

    Quality Uncertainty: The Market for Lemons

    Jan. 24–March 16, 2014

    New York-based artist Greg Smith draws inspiration from Nobel Prize-winning economic…

  5. A Different Look at Disaster Movies

    Dec 20, 2013

    Srinivas Aravamudan is a Duke University professor of 18th-century English literature with wide-ranging interests and an unusual approach to contemporary issues. On Oct. 9, Aravamudan presented…

  6. Town Hall Summaries

    Dec 20, 2013

    This fall, Grinnell College began a series of town hall meetings to encourage transparency and frank, civil discussion of topics that faculty, staff, and students consider important. Each town…

  7. The Grinnell Beowulf:

    Dec 20, 2013

    Six Grinnell students have discovered that the translation process is as transformative for the translators as it is for the text. Eva Dawson ’14, Emily Johnson ’14<…

  8. Why Cherry Tomatoes are Evil …

    Dec 20, 2013

    What I remember most about the etiquette dinner thrown by the Center for Careers, Life, and Service was not the dinner, although it was quite good. My most vivid memory from that night was a…

  9. Prize News

    Dec 20, 2013

    2013 Grinnell Prize recipients will be announced on Monday, Oct. 28.

    The recipients will be on campus from Sunday, Nov. 3, through Saturday, Nov. 9, to meet with students and members of…

  10. Theatre of Social Responsibility

    Dec 20, 2013

    I arrived at Grinnell knowing only that, whether as a historian or a chemist or a theatre artist, I wanted to make the world a better place. My Grinnell experience intensified my desire to fight…

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