Admission ,

The Grinnell Coincidence

Jan 04, 2013


Choosing a college is hard — no one is going to argue that. Which is why sometimes little things like a squirrel can help make those decisions a whole lot easier.

My parents and I…

When Prospies Enroll

Jan 04, 2013


It never seems to occur to prospies how much students pay attention to them. Surprise! We are a lot more curious and fascinated by you than we like to let on. My automatic response to…

Hot Fun in the Summertime

Jan 04, 2013


I am the queen of playing things by ear. Plan ahead? No, thank you — I’d rather not. Of course, at times it’s necessary, but in most cases, I believe life is more enjoyable if I take each…

Think Locally (But Bring a Sweatshirt)

Jan 04, 2013
Author:  Colette Boilini ’08

It’s a balmy summer morning in San Francisco, and…

At Home in a New World

Jan 04, 2013


I remember pulling up in the car to Lazier Hall on the first day of New Student Orientation. Lazier, the white-stone residence hall where I was going to live for my first year of…

The Midnight Flight of the Mattress Riders

Jan 04, 2013


Beneath Grinnell’s academic veneer, there lies a secret world. In this world, shadowy figures converge by a signal known only to them, unleash weeks of pent-up glee, and vanish in the haze…

Once Upon a Time

Jan 04, 2013


As soon as I learned to read, I was never without a book. Often the characters were just as real to me as my siblings. When my father took me and my cousins out on forced-march hikes to…

Love in the Time of Dengue

Jan 04, 2013


Before going abroad, Grinnell students must attend an informational session about all the terrible things that can happen to you (but probably won’t) in order to prepare you to deal with…

Having Due Fun with Fondue

Jan 04, 2013

Author:  Elizabeth Bologna ’08

“There’s nothing to do!” It’s the mantra of young adults everywhere, the perennial complaint of high schoolers and college…

The Joys of Jane Austen and 16th-Century Midwifery Manuals

Jan 04, 2013


Basically, I knew from the time I learned to read I needed to be an English major in college. I love to read and I love to talk about books — what major could suit me better? Unfortunately…

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