students in central campus

Political Science

  1. Successful World Coups 1946-2012

    Nov 21, 2013
    DASIL post-baccalaureate Adam Lauretig ’13 is making it easier for others to visualize complex datasets.
  2. Big Data and the Cloud

    Nov 14, 2013
    Security researcher Mark Gondree discusses the ramifications of big data and global data storage.
  3. Are Arabs Sexist?

    Nov 11, 2013
    Danielle Lussier weighs in on Al Jazeera op-ed, “Are Arabs sexist? The institutions, perhaps, but not the people.”
  4. The Wrongly Convicted and Habeas Corpus

    Oct 07, 2013
    Prominent Washington, D.C. attorney Jeetander Dulani ’98 discusses wrongful conviction and habeas corpus at Oct. 9 roundtable.

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